Example sentences of "and [verb] up on [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Their advice should probably have been to go down the High Street to a large newsagents and buy one or more magazines devoted to the PC and read up on the subject .
2 Well , it 's good to be back on the list and catching up on the mountain of messages .
3 Anyway they would land down at our place most weekends , because we used to take the Darlington and Stockton Times , and they would all be smoking their pipes and talking , asking , ‘ What hast thou fresh , now ’ and catching up on the comings and goings of Baldersdale .
4 I am not suggesting that all such considerations are rationally run through and weighed up on every occasion ; they are too familiar to require it .
5 With the paperwork finished , it 's across to the Mess for a cup of tea and to catch up on the rest of the news .
6 It 's debatable whether PGA is the best golf game , but it 's certainly the easiest to get into without the fuss of reading pages of instructions and swatting up on the physics of the humble golf ball .
7 You 've got a long and full life ahead of you , chum , so you must now stop worrying and go back to sleep and catch up on the strength you 'll need for living it up when you 're better . ’
8 He passed out , and woke up on the ground having fallen 1800 feet into a fir tree and five feet of snow .
9 Fall down and go right on the dodgems , go up and right through the wall , go down and collect the scroll , go up and push the crate right off the platform , fall down and push the crate left off the platform , fall down and push the crate right off the platform , push it left off the next platform , then right and left twice , jump on the big wheel on your right , jump off and at the bottom of the screen go right , collect the arrow , go left and up , go right and climb up on the platforms , go left and collect the star , fly right , up and right , push the crate right off the platform , push it left onto the button , go left , down and collect the star .
10 She must have got clearance at Gravesend and sailed up on the ebb .
11 Just short of the entrance to the Estrecho de Magellanes they had encountered gale-force winds and off Cabo Virgenes the tow had begun to sheer violently and range up on the tug .
12 whether he will be invited to lunch with Rose and Phil , and if not , whether to get a sandwich in a pub , or go straight back to the office , send out for sandwiches , and catch up on the plans for the Manchester Marina scheme ; and if so , whether to order egg and tomato sandwiches , or cheese and chutney , or some of each ;
13 But whatever age , Stow offers them the chance to meet up with old friends and catch up on the gossip .
14 The opportunity for Mass and the chance to meet friends and catch up on the news is much appreciated .
15 book , you , you say that history is not something , I ca n't remember the quotation exactly but roughly it was to do with history 's not something that you just write and put up on the shelf , it 's
16 The names of the gold winners were not known until the judges ' scores , which had been sealed , were opened and added up on the night .
17 and stand up on the pedals as I passed
18 This creates a pronounced visual luminosity and shows up on the X-ray as strong white .
19 Did you know it 's a replica of one of the charms said to be over a thousand years old and dug up on the island of Bornholm ? ’
20 He was a Protestant mercenary from Moravia who foresaw Habsburg victory and joined up on the side of the emperor .
21 I had not seen Otley for some time and climbed up on the wall for a better view .
22 Now that her ankle was better she should really go back and chase up on the calls Steve should have made in Palma so that it was all tied up when he got back but she did n't want to spoil it all with Fernando .
23 No pin-ups , just pictures cut from magazines and stuck up on the wall in a kind of patchwork : pictures of lambs and cats and small puppies with ribbons round their necks , country cottages and the tropical beaches that went with advertisements for white rum , whose colours could n't possibly be real .
24 They were prints from some medieval Book of Hours that William had had framed and stuck up on the walls .
25 The incident of the Karin B , a ship carrying toxic wastes from Europe , illegally imported to Nigeria , which could not find a home and landed up on the south coast of England in the summer of 1987 , demonstrated that millions of tonnes of highly toxic waste are being shipped around the globe .
26 So I goes to the cab rank , and gets up on the box .
27 Mr Puri was wheeled out and trussed up on a chair near the shrine .
28 They took the brandy into the sitting room and lit the gas fire and curled up on the sofa .
29 Then she lit a cigarette and curled up on the window-seat .
30 Locative came ashore later , and broke up on the South Donegal coast .
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