Example sentences of "and [verb] up [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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31 They 've been to bed and got up in the morning , and now they 're going off and doing things , like going to work and that .
32 He looked at me for a moment then sighed and got up from the chair .
33 Marie pushed back her coffee and got up from the table .
34 She finished her drink and got up from the table .
35 He shook his head and got up from the table , taking his plate to the sink to rinse it .
36 Well , it 's good to be back on the list and catching up on the mountain of messages .
37 Anyway they would land down at our place most weekends , because we used to take the Darlington and Stockton Times , and they would all be smoking their pipes and talking , asking , ‘ What hast thou fresh , now ’ and catching up on the comings and goings of Baldersdale .
38 I cut off the path proper and charged up over a dune and down its other side to where the service pipe carrying the water and electricity to the house appears out of the sand and crosses the creek .
39 It had been better , a long time ago it had been better , when their loving had made Frank , and better up to the time of Adam 's birth .
40 The water , flooding over the pastures in winter and oozing up through the summer marshes , held the key to these balanced systems .
41 The material is then worked on by the waves and built up into a ridge facing the direction from which the greatest waves come .
42 Complex carbohydrates are best taken regularly throughout the day so that the glycogen is steadily replaced and built up in the muscles .
43 I am not suggesting that all such considerations are rationally run through and weighed up on every occasion ; they are too familiar to require it .
44 A wide semicircle of Germans and Repubblichini formed on the edge of the pianura near Parma and moved up towards the mountains , looting and burning villages ; some times shooting in the air to spread terror and sometimes hanging or deporting the inhabitants .
45 In 1737–8 he served on a committee of the Goldsmiths ’ Company , promoting the Plate Offences Act , and moved up through the hierarchy of the court , only failing to serve as prime warden .
46 I was concerned to understand what it was like to leave school and grow up in a world with little work .
47 With the paperwork finished , it 's across to the Mess for a cup of tea and to catch up on the rest of the news .
48 She refused to look upon herself as an invalid , but it might be sensible to take a tonic , say , during the coming winter months , and to catch up with the loss of sleep she had so cheerfully endured .
49 Every time he went into one of those phone-booths , he had a mental image of something going wrong , of a faster-than-usual trace , of a plain-clothes policeman being only a few yards away , taking the alarm on his personal radio and walking up to the phone-booth .
50 Caught up in the concern to balance the power of the Commons is an attempt to recapture elements of the eighteenth-century constitution in a way that waters down the democratic side of the state machine ; caught up in the concern to secure a more independent House of Commons is an attempt to revive the pre-democratic nineteenth-century liberal constitution ; and caught up in the concern to limit parliamentary sovereignty is an attempt to limit democracy itself .
51 It 's debatable whether PGA is the best golf game , but it 's certainly the easiest to get into without the fuss of reading pages of instructions and swatting up on the physics of the humble golf ball .
52 Rachaela walked into the area and squeezed up to the chest .
53 She heard footsteps on the catwalk and peered up into the semi-darkness trying to get a fix on the German 's movements .
54 At the foot of the mound they halted and peered up at the statue , eerie under its glaze of ice , which stared sightlessly far above their heads .
55 You 've got a long and full life ahead of you , chum , so you must now stop worrying and go back to sleep and catch up on the strength you 'll need for living it up when you 're better . ’
56 At Cajabamba we joined a slightly better road , and soon afterwards we turned west and headed up into the mountains through Huamachuco , climbing all the way .
57 If you fancy trying it yourself around harvest time in September , then gather together a few pounds of the bluey-black sloe berries , prick them all over with a fork , smother them in about 6oz of sugar and top up with a litre of gin .
58 We drove on to the top of the road and drew up outside a compound surrounded by a wire fence ; inside was a large white building surrounded by an expanse of gravel on which a huge group of people were drawn up in lines .
59 He took no notice , but turned in and drew up in the courtyard .
60 On the academic site , detailed tephrachronology makes it possible to study patterns in the behaviour of volcanoes — the magma erupted from one volcano may become steadily more acid , or it may show cyclical changes , or it may even vary consistently during each eruption , starting off fairly basic and ending up at the close of the eruption much more acid .
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