Example sentences of "and [verb] them [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The attack on Malpas 's house certainly seems to have alarmed them and led them to co-operate with the authorities against the rebels ( 22 , p.161 ) .
2 ‘ I saw state policemen drag strikers across the road and make them kneel in the ditch there while they held shotguns in their backs .
3 Our main purpose in life is to make people aware of the problem , to make them think of their own vulnerability and responsibility and make them act in a safe and sensible way .
4 However , I feel it is better to dominate all dogs equally and make them come to a submissive position in front of the owner , preferably the down position .
5 One longs to give a copy each to ten assorted bus company managers ( leavened with the occasional politician and academic ) and make them wait on a cold dark wet night in a vandalised bus shelter for an unpredictable R registered banger .
6 Coming from eighty throats , it swept with them down from the wooded foothills and made them sound like a flock of scavenging birds disturbed from their carcass .
7 This is performed by resuspending 50 g of diatoms ( Sigma D 5-384 ) in 500 ml of water , and allowing them to settle in a 500 ml measuring cylinder for 3 hours .
8 Giving the ladies three courtesy shots and allowing them to play off the front tees .
9 This can be accomplished by wisely releasing the creative potential of individual employees and empowering them to contribute to the goals of the corporation .
10 So next time you see a decaying barn or cottage , stop the car , take a snap or two , and send them to SAVE with the name and address of the property .
11 This is that the evaluation of a company 's prospects is ultimately a matter of subjective judgment , and hence what ‘ economists frequently characterize as quantifiable risks are in reality uncertainties of such large and incalculable proportions as to intimidate investors and send them scurrying to the seemingly safer ground of follow-the-leader ’ .
12 When the public respond to your advertisements or because they have heard that you do personal injury work , it is not enough just to tell them that you do and expect them to come into the office .
13 Suddenly Isabel was no longer floating , she was falling instead , the sensation so swift and unexpected that she flung up her hands to save herself , and found them clinging to the source of the heat above her .
14 At the fall of France , Donald Caskie had refused a place on the last boat home and instead had gone south where , working from the Seamen 's Mission in Marseilles , he had hidden hundreds of allied servicemen and helped them to escape over the Pyrenees into Spain .
15 It is selected from the pages of the BDN , to which he was a frequent contributor and on whose editorial board he served for a long period : A combined system is one which includes all useful methods and techniques and adapts them and uses them according to the particular needs of the child .
16 He took their cloaks and told them to sit on a bench which he pushed towards the heat of the fire .
17 Their main concern was that independent arbitration would drag out negotiations and prevent them complying with the MMC proposals to free pubs from the tie by the deadline of November 1992 .
18 The verses seem to be saying that the disciples understand because they have been given the secrets of the mystery of the kingdom but everybody else is taught in parables so that it will confuse them and prevent them coming into the kingdom .
19 ‘ We called the police and let them go through the house .
20 Seek the Lord while he may be found , call upon him while he is near , let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man is thoughts and let them return to the Lord , for what 's gon na happen , for he will of compassion on him and to our God for he will abundantly pardon those words were very quoted from Acts , chapter sixteen , when that Philippine jailer said Lord what must I do , sir what must I do to be saved and there Paul timac believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved this is God 's way by repentance in faith that 's presented in Jesus , he is the only saviour , not your works , not my works , not our good deeds , not our religious observances , he is the only saviour , did he not say himself I am the way the truth and the life , nobody comes to the father but by me .
21 If then they still do not help , bring all your people and let them stay in the office until it is done .
22 If so , estimate how long this will take , call the candidates for interview that much earlier than you would otherwise have done , and let them know in the letter that they are to be given a tour first .
23 Twist some lengths of red ribbon and let them fall down the sides of the cake .
24 He unfastened them without haste , still smiling , tossed sword and sheath out from him through the trefoil opening , and let them fall into the presbytery .
25 He lifted his shoulders and let them fall in a dismissive shrug .
26 Untie the winds , and let them fight Against the Churches .
27 They would salt them down and let them lie in the brine for a while and they would take them out and dry them .
28 So we dismantled the screen over the window and let them fly around the back of the barn .
29 They bought hot rolls and coffee in the little café , and ate them sitting on the sand dunes overlooking the sea , and then they wandered along the tideline searching for treasures .
30 Ruth poured cornflakes and milk , and ate them sitting at the table where Rachaela drank her coffee .
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