Example sentences of "and [verb] with [art] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Return to the lying position and repeat with the same el bow .
2 Lift one elbow to touch the opposite knee once , return to the lying position and repeat with the same elbow .
3 Return to the lying position and repeat with the same elbow .
4 Return to the lying position and repeat with the same elbow .
5 Return to the lying position and repeat with the same elbow .
6 Return to the lying position and repeat with the same elbow .
7 Return to the lying position and repeat with the same elbow .
8 Return to the lying position and repeat with the same elbow .
9 Return to the lying position and repeat with the same elbow .
10 Return to the lying position and repeat with the same elbow .
11 Return to the lying position and repeat with the same elbow .
12 Return to the lying position and repeat with the same elbow .
13 As they bind to similar DNA sequences and associate with the same proteins , they are likely to be closely related .
14 To return to the offending nettle ( Urtica dioica ) or , it too had its uses : Martin Martin noted that in Skye ‘ the tops of nettles , chopped small , and mixed with a few whites or raw eggs , applied to the forehead and temples by way of a frontel , is used to procure sleep ’ .
15 Place one of these on the slide and cover with a few drops of water .
16 Nivelle 's campaign in Champagne opened on 19 April and met with the same fate as most earlier attacks : some 120,000 Frenchmen fell before the German machine-guns and by the day 's end an advance of only 550m/600yds had been made , in tragic contrast to Nivelle 's expected g.6km/6mls .
17 This paratone begins with an introductory expression my drink , uttered very high in the pitch range , and closes with the same expression , low in the pitch range , as part of the speaker 's summing-up .
18 Boil the potatoes until well done and mash with a little water to achieve a soft consistency .
19 If using , wrap the ribbon around the edge of the drum and secure with a little icing .
20 They concern spoken discourse in which sender and receiver interact with each other rapidly , and they tend to be short and deal with a few turns at most .
21 However , the drugs dust was really stirred with the apparently unrehearsed efforts of two rugby-medicos , Laurie Knight , the former All Black flanker now practising medicine in South Africa , and John Mayhew , in recent years the doctor tending and travelling with the All Blacks .
22 The Seven Poetic Waltzes by Granados were marvellously poised and contrasted with the same composer 's extrovert Concert Allegro that succeeded them .
23 Their other demands included ( i ) the removal of 12 generals appointed by Militaru and identified with the former regime ; ( ii ) the right to resign their commissions ; and ( iii ) the non-involvement of the military in politics .
24 Late ‘ 76 saw Linda in this country with an excellent show and playing with the same guitarists that had appeared on the album .
25 This aspect of option premiums may be seen more clearly if we look at calls and puts with the same exercise price but with different expiry dates .
26 These are portfolios of written calls and puts or bought calls and puts with the same exercise price and expiry date on the same underlying security .
27 For added storage , a shelf or drawers could be fitted underneath , the drawers being made with a d-i-y drawer kit and faced with the same material as the rest of the wardrobe .
28 Pour into glasses , top each one with a whole fresh strawberry and serve with a few amaretti biscuits .
29 The measures , except for the rule regarding accelerated accrual rates , are unlikely to affect anyone who has been in a pension scheme prior to March 1987 and remains with the same employer .
30 He was not utterly Reverend for a start : he kept bees , but he also boxed , ruggered and rowed with the same poise he showed as a raconteur .
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