Example sentences of "and [verb] with [pron] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 " Will you come and stay with me for a while ? " she asked gently .
2 We went in to the University and met up with Ian Jamieson , who invited us to come and stay with them for a few days .
3 For a while Elaine was cared for by young volunteers who used to come and stay with her for a few months at a time .
4 Topaz found herself praying to a God to whom she did n't quite believe that Andrew would agree and stay with her for a while .
5 and trading with them as a happier and satisfied customer .
6 She felt a warm rush of gratitude for his sensitivity as he kissed and played with her in a teasing , light-hearted way which both excited and disarmed her at first .
7 Hartmut , a friend from Trinity College , Bristol , a gifted personal evangelist and now a curate , was ringing to see if we would go and work with him in a small commuter suburb of Upminster in Essex .
8 They had n't known her well at all , but for some inexplicable reason they seemed to take charge of the situation and to deal with it in a totally intuitive way .
9 By early June the failure of an inquiry by Sir Edward Clark and of a group of ministers headed by Lloyd George to persuade the employers to agree to recognise the Federation and to negotiate with it on a joint board , began to bring nearer the prospect that the Transport Workers ' Federation National Executive would implement a recommendation by its Annual Conference that unless the joint board proposal was accepted a national strike would be declared .
10 He encouraged her to take public baths , he saw that she ate properly — though indifferent to food himself — and behaved with her like a caring mother , the kind of affectionate mother who had always inspired him .
11 ‘ How about forgetting our professional differences and coming with me for a look round the antiques ? ’
12 It might be argued that there are works of literature that deal with these themes , and deal with them in a more thorough manner .
13 He got up and walked over to the group of children and chatted with them for a moment .
14 On Friday evening , we were visited by six or seven of the Chinese participants in the Friendship Hotel , and chatted with them in a relaxed manner , although they did n't seem keen on accepting whisky !
15 Theo was about to travel from The Hague to Etten , en route for a new post in Paris , and Vincent pressed him to ‘ leave the train ’ on the second leg of his journey and stay with him for a day or two .
16 And I used to go and take these two horses and stay with them on a Saturday afternoon grazing on this Daisy Field , all Saturday afternoon .
17 All we ask of you in return is to buy at least one book from each of the Reviews and stay with us for a minimum of six issues .
18 By watching and sailing with someone of a higher standard , you can pick up small points about better positioning and the way they approach a manoeuvre .
19 " I hope you do n't mind me coming up — I thought I 'd just come and see how you were , and perhaps sit and chat with you for a while "
20 And there 's these hills where it 's hot and rains all the time , and in the rain forests there are these very tall trees and right in the top branches of the trees there are these like great big flowers called bromeliads and water gets into the flowers and makes little pools and there 's a type of frog that lays eggs in the pools and tadpoles hatch and grow into new frogs and these little frogs live their whole lives in the flowers right at the top of the trees and do n't even know about the ground and the world is full of things like that and now I know about them and I 'm never ever going to be able to see them and then you , ’ she gulped for breath , ‘ want me to come and live with you in a hole and wash your socks ! ’
21 I mean it 's very nice to be with a child , a baby , for about three or four hours , but after that you are quite grateful for somebody else to come and play with it for a while , and talk to it for a while .
22 ‘ Then there 's no reason why you should n't come and sit with me for a few minutes .
23 Ratso gets Buck an introduction to a man ( John McGiver ) who is supposed to put him in touch with some rich ladies , but he begs Buck to get down on his knees and pray with him under a kitschy lit-up Jesus on the bathroom door of his hotel room .
24 So I appreciate that struggle , and identify with it to a degree . ’
25 Several times I went up the valley with my father in the evening and sat with him behind a rock , hoping he would get a shot at the leopard .
26 I took the pen from the wheelbarrow and pointed with it to a pylon by the road , a hundred yards away .
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