Example sentences of "and [verb] that [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I have always found the quality to be of an extremely high standard and presumed that with the publicity generated by the 150th anniversary celebrations last year , there would have been an increase in interest in the magazine .
2 You know what you want a do , get some bags and bag that stuff up and sell that on the side of the road fifty p a bag .
3 In due course , the company informed their financial advisers of the new arrangement and agreed that in the circumstances , proper practice dictated that D be told of the new development .
4 But he fell in with Southey 's plans , none the less , and agreed that in the meantime they must live frugally in Bristol and earn money .
5 She felt a rush of excitement and anticipation , and realised that in the preoccupations of the last half hour she had not thought of Giles Carnaby once — definitely a record .
6 And the thing that was said a lot was a Slippery Elm stick , well I still do n't really know what it was but er it was a kind of a s , bark of the Slippery Elms , a Slippery Elm bark or something and they sharpened it to a point and inserted that into the womb you see and it was done , and then of course I heard a lot about gin , sitting in a hot bath with gin .
7 But I would place a somewhat different emphasis , and suggest that in the Chewong case fear is a positive emotion and encouraged in children because to be fearful is to be human , while the arousal of other inner states is negatively valued and discouraged — as manifest in the various rules that forbid them ( see Howell 1981 ) .
8 Robert Gray has analysed marriage patterns in late nineteenth-century Edinburgh and concludes that by the end of the period , patterns of segregated intermarriage as between the families of skilled " and " unskilled " workers were tending to break down .
9 They dig mud from the banks and nudge that into the construction to bind the sticks , leaves and boulders together .
10 In a separate experiment they actually monitored the eye fixations of subjects while watching the slide and found that in the arousal condition subjects fixated more often on central details , though for less time per fixation .
11 On top of the hill was a wood of beech trees surrounded by a stone wall ; I climbed the wall and found that underneath the trees were hundreds of moss-covered gravestones of soldiers from Napoleon 's Imperial Army who had died of disease while waiting to invade England .
12 And in m in many cases the most cost-effective procedure will be for the lad on site , the R E or the assistant R E to measure , and provide the measure to the Q Ss who will put that forward and process that in the way they do now and send out a certificate .
13 No more going public and imagining that by the gesture alone you 'll be ‘ improving ’ matters .
14 I congratulate them on that and hope that in the future they will carry on that practice .
15 We wait with interest to learn something of the results , and hope that in the future we wo n't be having to leave Beaulieu gas platform to starboard during Land Rover Cowes Week .
16 At the start , this strategy was to show the electorate that the Prime Minister was ‘ a very nice person ’ , tell them of the horrors of Labour 's tax policies and hope that in the twinkling of Mr Heseltine 's eye — aided by the applause of some celebrities and a giant ( and inexplicably awful ) stage set — the Conservatives would be back in government .
17 The purpose of general management is to try and ensure that in the city that we are getting the best value we can from the health resources that are in the city , and I have the authority now , and the responsibility to spend the budget that I 've had allocated from the Oxfordshire Health Authority , by Gerald Simon who 's the general manager .
18 And I would say it 's on highways with your traffic on the access and on parking , and added that to the list , I did n't say that in the first instant .
19 The industry 's multi-processing unit gurus assembled at the Microprocessor Forum in California last month , looked into their crystal balls and predicted that by the middle of the decade a typical high-end microprocessor would run at 250MHz-300MHz with about 64Kb of on-chip cache and a maximum issue rate of 4–6 instructions a cycle , double today 's leading silicon .
20 It also noted that the Brady plan had been applied on a slow-moving voluntary basis which depended on the goodwill of creditor governments and banks , and claimed that in the absence of such goodwill debtor governments had had no alternative but to declare moratoriums as a means of attracting attention to their situation .
21 Vyshinsky made what Bevin described as ‘ an interminable speech ’ in which he quoted extensively from the agreements reached at Potsdam and stated that under the Potsdam terms the Council of Foreign Ministers and not the FEC was the relevant body for negotiating a peace treaty .
22 Bunting ( 1978 ) in more general terms disclaims this responsibility and states that with the introduction of high-yielding paddy it was to be expected there were social problems but it was up to the politicians to ‘ do something about it ’ .
23 ‘ Every time I see those grey faces being trundled through Cas. on accident trolleys heaped with grey blankets , and know that under the blankets are mangled , bloody , and road-filthy bodies , I start shaking .
24 And they know about what 's happening to them , and know that at the end of the day , it does n't matter about what their behaviour is , it does n't matter about what happens to them , because nobody cares .
25 As Randolph Churchill so eloquently described in The Fight for the Tory Leadership , Macmillan had seen Hailsham on the Monday before the Conference and indicated that in the event of retirement he would support his candidature .
26 The Principal , a frightful piece of lava from a volcano long extinct , actually insisted that I relinquish domestic tuition , simperingly permitted the murky phrase sexual harassment to hover in the air between us , and indicated that in the course of the aestival recess he might be reconsidering the terms and conditions of my employment .
27 Sheets are usually 300mm ( 12in ) square , and are often sold in packs of five or 10 ; the best way of estimating quantities is to work out the area to be covered , and to divide that by the coverage figure given on the pack , which will tell you how many packs to buy .
28 Last year , for example , it bought Italy 's biggest cable maker Ceat Cavi for £90million and followed that with the purchase of a stake in the Spanish company , Grupo Espagnol General Cables .
29 Accommodation should therefore be available both to assist them in the personal adjustments they will have to make and to ensure that at the outset they are suitably accommodated .
30 Our continuing priority in the 1900s will be to help unemployed people , and particularly the most disadvantage , to find work , and to ensure that in the meantime we pay them benefits accurately and on time .
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