Example sentences of "and [verb] it [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 So although this is fifty pence when you show it on here the fir so the first thing we 've got to do is change this fifty pence to get away from fifty pence or thirty pence or twenty and change it into a fraction .
2 At this stage cut off the complete head and invert it in a paper bag , hanging these in an airy place for a few days until the seeds are quite dry .
3 It 's more a case of conceptual comedy that takes a topical theme like the travellers and tackles it in a right-on way , trying to draw the humour from it .
4 No they would buy it somewhere and sell it at a profit you see .
5 He says we need to get private cars out of the city centre and make it into a place which is safe for pedestrians and cyclists , not polluted and where the buildings are n't being torn apart by traffic .
6 And so , when you come to the bible and you read the account of Jesus here on the earth , turning the water into wine , of Jesus stilling the storm , when you into the old testament and you read accounts there of the children of Israel , of the me , of the tremendous miracles that were performed by Jehovah , God for them well of course , there 's a natural explanation to it , because you ca n't do these things , there are natural laws that stop you doing them you can not take a glass of water , even if you 're God , you can not take it and make it into a glass of wine instantly , it 's got natural processes to go through .
7 You do n't take a monkey and make it into a mountain .
8 Buy a caravan with a horse , maybe , and try and make it into an adventure .
9 What makes the difference between seeing a picture as a jumble of meaningless lines , and seeing it as a picture of a landscape ? ( 194–219 )
10 This suggests that the difference between seeing a picture as a jumble of meaningless lines , and seeing it as a picture of a landscape , is that in the latter case an act of recognition , or of interpretation , takes place .
11 Donna did n't manage to get her finger around the trigger but she did pull the weapon clear , closing her hand around it and using it as a club .
12 ‘ It was a nightmare , ’ Baldwin told G. M. Young , attributing the defeat exclusively to ‘ the pacifist ’ issue and using it as a reason for eschewing rearmament in the early days of Hitler .
13 The vulture is manipulating the stone and using it as an extension of its beak to crack the egg .
14 Far from reducing taxation , as we had been elected to do , we would have to raise it — and raise it at a time when local councils were already pushing up rates .
15 Harper spend f226 on repairing it and sold it to a finance company .
16 A MAN stole scrap metal from his employer and sold it to a dealer , magistrates heard yesterday .
17 I can do is , Mary had a metal cow she milked it with a spanner , she took it to the market and sold it for a tanner .
18 I stole the candle from its socket and sold it for a crust of bread and a stoup of water from an ale wife .
19 The Nazis took it over during the Second World War and made it into a museum of the German Army .
20 And it was like , nothing , so we just extended all this out and made it into a stage come , a bigger dance floor cos the I do n't know why they wa always seem to have this trends that , they have these trends in the seventies and that was , and eighties of having small dance floors
21 Stephen Dutton , 21 , tied a rope to a door handle and threaded it through a pulley into an adjoining kitchen before looping it around his neck .
22 To take only one example , the planet Jupiter had to be represented correctly , including its moving cloud formations , before the fantasy element where a black hole containing obelisks ‘ devours ’ the planet and turns it into a sun .
23 Each man , John was to learn , would cut out up to half a ton of slate and load it onto a sledge which he would drag out of the open shaft and along a perilous track slotted narrowly into the fellside .
24 ‘ We were raided on Monday by customs with the specific intention of confiscating it and sticking it in a zoo somewhere , ’ he said .
25 Harvey took off his identity tag and inserted it into a machine like a railway station weighing machine upon which he stepped .
26 She felt an overwhelming urge to lick her lips and fought it for a while till her treacherous tongue simply shot out — only to be retracted slowly , under Lucenzo 's predatory eyes .
27 CAR thieves have left a disabled man virtually housebound after taking his car and crashing it into a wall .
28 Boyd unzipped his sheepskin jacket and flung it on a kitchen chair , opened the plaid shirt he was wearing and scratched his chest wearily .
29 He unzipped his black jacket and flung it on a chair .
30 Answer the following question and send it on a postcard to The Krays , THE FACE , The Old Laundry , Ossington Buildings , London W1 .
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