Example sentences of "and [verb] his [noun] of the " in BNC.

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1 He remained in York 's employment until the Restoration , first in the French and then in the Spanish armies , and became his groom of the Stole and one of his closest friends .
2 TIMES have changed considerably since a youthful Austin Rawlinson attended his first swimming gala , well before World War 1 , and realised his love of the water had helped him develop an outstanding talent .
3 ‘ The person shown on television having an exchange of words with David Campese has come forward and given his account of the incident .
4 Forty-six years on , John Edelnand , now living in Luton , revisited Gwrych Castle and the neighbouring village of Abergele and found his memories of the local people still clear :
5 So he said to himself : ‘ This is the place where I was simply terrified ! ’ and remembering his fear of the previous day , he promptly shied again although he had not been hurt the day before .
6 When Lars Ake Wilkstrom , Chairman of the Swedish Deaf Association , addressed the BDA Congress of 1986 at Rothesay , Scotland , and told his audience of the benefits to the Swedish deaf community from the official recognition of their own language they were astonished and excited .
7 You should brief your adviser fully and seek his assessment of the pros and cons of your intended course before implementing it .
8 The client gets help for day-to-day problems , but the price he pays for this is to be the landlord 's follower , to do his bidding and accept his view of the world .
9 Li Peng expressed satisfaction with the smooth implementation process of the declaration , and stated his appreciation of the Portuguese government 's prudent attitude towards China 's quelling of the " counter-revolutionary rebellion " [ see pp. 36587 ; 36640-42 ; 36720-22 ] .
10 My occasional presence at Summerchild 's front gate , keeping Millie from her pious labours on the birthday book and obstructing his view of the cracked step , evidently never reached a sufficient level of generality to impinge upon him .
11 They talked of the market and the fair , and then , Emily having noticed and praised his drawings of the swans , Mr Stephens held forth about his hobby .
12 He replaced the receiver abruptly and Anne turned to a tense , white-faced Robyn and repeated his side of the conversation .
13 After being so intimately associated with Christ and hearing his parables of the Kingdom and private commentary interpreting those stories , his disciples still expected the Kingdom to come in the material and nationalistic terms of the Old Testament ( Acts 1:6 ) .
14 He began to whistle , and taking his hands of the handlebars he negotiated the last half mile home without touching them again .
15 The Chairman has responded and admitted his side of the wrong .
16 Well-versed in esoteric lore , he wove spells into his art , and donated his discovery of the cut-up method of rearranging prose to William Burroughs .
17 Tim Rodber had a much better game that at Murrayfield and won his share of the ball at the tail of the line-outs , but it remained an area where Ireland did hold their own through the excellent play of Neil Francis and Brian Robinson .
18 In the result when Mr. S. came back and resumed his use of the computer , the invoice it printed out charged the sum of £204.76 plus VAT , instead of the proper sum of £710.96 plus VAT .
19 Elected in 1841 to the first legislative assembly of Upper and Lower Canada as an independent representing Huron , he served five years before resigning in 1846 to become superintendent of the Lachine canal and publish his Recollections of the American War , 1812–1814 .
20 erm I think two people have had tremendous problems and again must have been going up and down St Aldate 's , because they were very busy officials , was Edward Hyde , who later became Earl of Clarendon and wrote his story of the war , again of course from the Royalist point of view , and his great friend , Lord Falkland , who was Secretary of State for the King , and became so upset and worried by the rash policies of the Queen 's party and the general atmosphere of intrigue , and by the war itself , that he does seem to have more or less committed suicide at the battle of Newbury , by riding ahead of his troops into the enemy .
21 They normally take the form of a series of questions or statements which the operator uses to guide and structure his inspection of the hardware and other system components .
22 However , his permanence at The Oval was assured , and following his handover of the captaincy to Peter May in 1957 he gave a further 22 years ' continuous service to Surrey , being Chairman of the Cricket Committee from 1968 to 1973 , culminating his year of the Presidency in 1982 .
23 When Pilate realised that a riot was a distinct possibility , he literally took water and washed his hands of the affair with the words :
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