Example sentences of "and [verb] not [verb] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Physically he is unusually sturdy and has not fallen prey to illness during his long confinement .
2 In conclusion , it seems that the increasing incidence of audit committees has not yet brought about any significant improvement in perceptions of corporate accountability and has not restored confidence in financial reporting .
3 Then they make their ale from what they have collected , and those who do not come there to drink and do not give money at the foresters ' will are sorely punished at their pleas for dead wood , although the King has no demesne ; nor does anyone dare to brew when the foresters brew , or to sell ale so long as the foresters have any kind of ale to sell ; and this every forester does year by year to the great grievance of the country .
4 The American Stock Exchange has changed its mind and decided not to suspend trading in the Class B and Class C common shares stocks of Wang Laboratories Inc at the close of business on March 31 , as had previously been announced : it says the decision reflects its view that investors will best be served by a continuation of the orderly trading provided by its auction market system , but warns brokers and prospective investors to review Wang 's public disclosures on its reorganisation plan thoroughly before leaping in , and to consider carefully the many uncertainties over the value — if any — of its present classes of common shares outstanding .
5 Allow the patient to speak of what they notice to be wrong with themselves and try not to put words into the patient 's mouth .
6 The calculations and specimen disclosures shown as illustrations [ … . ] are for general guidance only and do not form part of the [ draft ] FRS .
7 ( ii ) Changing house — Most court orders relate to a specific property and do not make provision for the wife moving house and occupying another property upon similar terms and conditions .
8 Any change data are thus inevitably incomplete and do not make allowance for potential voting patterns in the many very safe Labour wards where councillors were returned unopposed .
9 In asking questions , therefore , try to do this in an uncritical way and do not present ones to which there is a simple answer of ‘ yes ’ or ‘ no ’ .
10 The Channel Islands and the Isle of Man have substantially more independent systems of government , and do not send MPs to Westminster .
11 Can any proposed or established Trust afford the costs of helplines , counselling , follow-up , and possible litigation without sound scientific data that the risks are small and do not justify screening of HCWs undertaking invasive procedures ?
12 I am willing to forgive people who have upset me and do not bear grudges against them .
13 Punchy thermals which delight the wings of gliders and do not trouble planes with a bit of weighty metal behind them are no longer conjured up by the morning sun to drive trepid microlight flyers back to earth .
14 ( Metric and Imperial measure comparison of all weapon sizes in this book are mathematical and do not take account of slight variations in different countries ' measurements of bore sizes , etc . )
15 These global considerations do rely on numerical computation to a large extent , are nonrigorous , and do not provide predictions of actual behaviour at actual parameter values .
16 If the organisers feel that their event can cover the cost of the free voucher/ticket and do not seek reimbursement from the Society , please advise the office of the names of all those who have claimed free tickets , so that the overall success of this scheme can be monitored .
17 The majority of these become arrested in the abomasum as EL4 and do not complete development until the following spring .
18 6.1 Quiet enjoyment To permit the Tenant peaceably and quietly to hold and enjoy the Premises without any interruption or disturbance from or by the Landlord or any person claiming under or in trust for the Landlord [ or by title paramount ] This covenant quite often contains a provision that it is dependent upon the tenant paying the rent reserved by the lease and performing and observing the covenants on its part and the conditions contained in the lease , but these words have no practical effect , and do not render payment of the rent and performance of the covenants conditions precedent to the operation of the covenant ( Edge v Boileau ( 1885 ) 16 QB 117 ) .
19 Should you receive your AMNESTY Journal early , please contain your enthusiasm and do not sell tickets before the launch date .
20 Only drink bottled water ( a well-known brand , if possible , such as Perrier ) and do not have ice in your drinks .
21 In researching this book I read a quote from a well-known doctor working with girls with eating disorders : he said that in the West , if you are female and do not have hang-ups about your body , you are abnormal .
22 that decisions are made for the right reasons and do not run counter to deeply held attitudes or beliefs
23 It should be stressed that the figures given are for manufactures only and do not include exports of primary products or raw materials .
24 At a minimum it would seem reasonable to return to the stark simplicity of the RSPCA 150 years ago and agree not to inflict pain on my fellow creatures because pain helps no one and the infliction of it brutalises me .
25 On the whole , outpatient clinics catered for a less severely ill group of patients and did not reach people with severe mental disorder .
26 Pound was in all seriousness embarked on an epic poem ( which he defined , following of all unlikely authorities Rudyard Kipling , as ‘ the tile of the tribe ’ ) ; he could not and did not expect understanding from readers who supposed that the epic poem had died in the seventeenth century if not before , whose expectations therefore were conditioned by their experience of the brief or else extended lyric .
27 ‘ Alice ’ was a jolly girl and did not give way to deep depression as another ‘ Army ’ mother had done on finding that baby would not be a Major as her father was .
28 Most of the expenditure was outside the dollar area , and did not give rise to immediate dollar payments .
29 These are calculated for our sample of 1608 men who were unemployed longer than 28 days and did not give retirement as their reason for their pre-cohort entry job .
30 In the event the reactions of Coalition Liberal ministers were so uniformly hostile that Lloyd George moved quickly into reverse ; when he met Coalition Liberal MPs , he merely suggested greater cooperation with Unionists and did not mention fusion as such .
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