Example sentences of "and [verb] a [noun] for [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A down-at-heel English journalist , Charles Beadle , lived nearby and shared a passion for gardening with Beatrice .
2 Mini-Enterprise is an opportunity for a group of young people to come together and make a product for sale , or market a service .
3 Yorkshire Electricity , which also wanted to ‘ share the results of our good performance between our shareholders and our customers ' , reported first half profit before tax up 28% to £42.5m and announced a rebate for tariff customers of £5 each .
4 The troll spun around and made a grab for Rincewind .
5 IT IS the magazine that gave us Sid The Sexist , Biffa Bacon and the Fat Slags and made a fortune for editor Chris Donald .
6 ‘ He has his roots here , however , and has a job for life with us .
7 The firm abandoned the idea that it could be all things to all people and decided to focus on identified areas of expertise examples are the legal profession , building societies and the construction industry — and build a reputation for quality of service by becoming pre-eminent in those fields .
8 They were very successful and provided a model for review procedures connected with a variety of benefits under the burgeoning national insurance scheme .
9 They can also perform a limited corporate finance function , and provide a mechanism for marketing shares in an unquoted company ( Newco ) , where otherwise the benefit to an employee of holding shares is somewhat illusory , in that he can not realise his shares for cash , unless he remains a shareholder of the company and ( usually ) an employee or director , until there is a sale of Newco or it obtains a listing .
10 Social action would be linked with adult education in order to give a much wider perspective and provide a basis for life .
11 To understand what is happening it is crucial to see Marxism not in the guise which it claims for itself — namely a scientific method — but as an ideology — a set of beliefs and ideas which help us interpret the world and provide a basis for action — which is a substitute for the religious vacuum left by the decline of Christianity in the West .
12 Using this technique in combination with high-gain amplification it is possible to detect " " late potentials " which are thought to represent slow and inhomogeneous conduction through surviving Purkinje muscle elements and to provide a substrate for re-entrant ventricular tachycardias .
13 This issue of Update aims to bring together various aspects of the SEM related to vocation education and training and to provide a focus for debate and future developments .
14 The parser works in bottom-up , breadth-first manner and uses a chart for efficiency .
15 The 1990 legislation authorizes the establishment of a stock exchange , sets out the preconditions for its statutes and rules of procedure , provides for its membership and operation , and establishes a system for arbitration of disputes between securities traders and between issuers and traders .
16 This particular initiative in community education , although building on a period of active community involvement , set out at an early stage to involve local residents in controlling the educational programme and establishing a structure for participation which , it was hoped , would avoid the sort of elitism which beset the WEA .
17 Safety , Reliability and Quality Assurance department strengthened and adopted a system for anomaly documentation and resolution which included trend analysis .
18 But I would very much , with the land owners , like to go down there and see and , and then try and negotiate a possibility for right of way across
19 The lay panel , the rights of parents and children to be accompanied by a friend or supporter , and the complete absence of any professional legal formality generally help to reduce the tension and create a situation for discussion .
20 The story tells us , at a literal level , how Hartleap Well received its name ; the curious prose preface emphasizes this and also conveys the idea of commemorating and preserving a tradition for posterity .
21 Johnson , outlining a preference for vegetable derivatives rather than animal , said , ‘ I have often thought , that , if I kept a seraglio , the ladies should all wear linen gowns , or cotton — I mean stuffs made of vegetable substances ’ and declared a hatred for silk : ‘ you can not tell when it is clean . ’
22 During this period Churchill took over the coal negotiations and displayed a vigour for settlement which had been entirely lacking in the Prime Minister .
23 British Airways denied the claims and began a counter-claim for libel and defamation .
24 Terry Castle suggests that for these poets the mirror was at once an emblem of the psyche and the symbol of an alternative world : ‘ … the mirror image both distilled a longing for purity and expressed a desire for escape … ’
25 Our perception of spermatozoa was changed forever by Woody Allen 's impersonation of one in Everything You Wanted to Know About Sex , and University of Pennsylvania are giving substance to his fantasies , putting the poor little tadpoles through an arduous obstacle course to step up the process of survival of the fittest : according to Prodigy Services Co , the mad scientists have created a new class of silicon chip that can be used for analyzing sperm samples and providing a venue for fertilisation ; the technology uses microscopic obstacle courses inside a silicon wafer to weed out unhealthy sperm , and has been used successfully to fertilise a mouse egg ; the chips are etched with a virtual theme park of twisting channels , forests of columns , and other features designed to ensure only the strongest of sperm reach their goal , with some passages so small that only a single cell can pass ; the researchers have not yet applied for approval to test human fertilisation using the chip , but say that could happen within the next 12 months — Brave New World , or the embodiment of virtual sex .
26 She went back to bed but when she woke the next morning she was in terrible pain and called a nurse for help .
27 This is felt to be an inadequate preparation for the work of life , because it tends to produce a super-abundant supply of an indifferent clerkly class and to create and foster a distaste for agriculture and the handicrafts , which are more indispensable to the country and are better calculated to promote independence of character .
28 There was also a growing market for books as literacy increased , though there was not yet universal schooling : the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge , the Mechanics Institutes and the so-called March of Mind were features of the time leading up to the Reform Bill of 1832 , and indicating a market for non-fiction .
29 She eventually crawled to the road and called a passer-by for help .
30 I pick up the cards and deal a circle for Clock Patience .
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