Example sentences of "and [verb] a [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They spend time getting to know their workers and develop a situation of trust so that their employees feel able to bring problems to them .
2 A down-at-heel English journalist , Charles Beadle , lived nearby and shared a passion for gardening with Beatrice .
3 Section 1 of the Education ( Scotland ) Act 1981 gives parents a right to select the school they wish their children to attend and imposes a duty on education authorities to comply with parental choice , unless one of a limited number of circumstances applies .
4 The relatively low slewing rate of the LM308A is responsible for this and imposes a limit on clock frequency of 15kHz if such an eventuality is at all likely .
5 So I was persuaded , and planned a start at dawn .
6 Finally he jumped up , when he thought the appropriate moment had arrived , and whipped a blast of abuse across the table .
7 Lisabeth was sitting apart from them reading a newspaper and eating a bar of chocolate .
8 And while she was having a whisky and eating a piece of cake at eleven o'clock , in a hapless impulse to demonstrate and somehow fix her freebooting mood — though she saw the irrationality of it on a day that had begun with a clear insight that at least she would try to equal his thinness even if she could never hope to achieve the frugality of his expectations — just as she was leaving the last part of the cake , she would think of a better way to write the note .
9 While they waited in the room , which was furnished like a nursing home , with the child reading a comic on the bed and eating a bag of shortbread biscuits , she thought that it was as well to be next door to the railway station in case she had to get away quickly .
10 He co-wrote a song with me on my new album and plays a bit of guitar .
11 I watched for the gas station on Harvey 's map and turned off on to an unmade road that kicked up stones against the underside of the Rambler and laid a film of dust across the tinted windscreen .
12 In 1988 an Alabama jury convicted 15-year-old Clayton Flowers of capital murder and recommended a sentence of life in prison without parole .
13 Opinions vary , however , as to the form of air pollution policies in structure plans , the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution for example felt that the only way to control the air we breathe is by indirectly limiting emissions and recommended a system of air quality guidelines for major pollutants which could be adopted by local authorities and incorporated in their structure plans .
14 Second , it could be argued that this system removes any incentive for sound financial control at local level and constitutes a divorce between management responsibility and financial accountability of the kind severely criticized by the 1976 Layfield Report on local government finance .
15 A manufacturer takes responsibility for his product 's compliance and signs a declaration of conformity to say that the equipment meets an appropriate European ‘ harmonised ’ standard .
16 Although she had climbed the West Face of the Romsdalhorn , shared leads on the Third Sella Tower and led a rope up Store Skagastoltind in the Jotenheim , she was convinced she 'd not yet experienced the full horrors and rigours of a ‘ real ’ alpine day .
17 He shifted uncomfortably on the chair and wiped a bead of sweat that ran down the side of his face .
18 It was a vague enough concept for the left-liberals to unite around , and became a kind of surrogate nationalism .
19 That old plastic bird appeared on all my ships from then on and became a kind of ship 's mascot , travelling all over the UK with us .
20 The Battalion at this time was left with only five officers and 100 other ranks , and became a line of communication battalion .
21 Unlike the state monopoly telecommunications business which has tended to stay that way , the semiconductor chip business started out with United States commercial dominance ; it has continued on this pattern , with the one major change that in the 1980S the multinational companies dominating the world chip business ceased to be predominantly American and became a combination of Japanese and United States companies .
22 Klingenzell priory , between the castles Liebenfels and Freudenfels , was founded in 1333 and became a place of pilgrimage .
23 I was left an orphan at an early age and became a ward of court .
24 See which courses they can put round what and squeeze a bit of money out of it .
25 Trust you to lower the tone of the whole conversation and introduce a note of clitoris envy at the same time . ’
26 to take over all public transport in the London area and placed a Bill before Parliament early in April , to enable this to happen .
27 The Scottish sports minister , Sir Hector Monro , said yesterday that the number of incidents gave cause for universal concern and placed a strain on mountain rescue services .
28 Rupert , left alone with Ianthe and Penelope , found himself heaving a sigh of relief , flopping down into a chair , and suggesting a cup of tea .
29 There were two other letters that she thought might interest John , one on the subject of salary being paid during illness , and suggesting a code of employment , and the other about National Health Insurance .
30 This consists of measuring or estimating financial factors such as cost or profit associated with the products being considered and drawing a histogram of money against product or element type .
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