Example sentences of "and [verb] in [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It admittedly makes intuitive sense , and fits in with the general observation about staffs ' professional identities being a function of their research identities .
2 Trim them back , dead-head regularly and bring in before the first frosts and you should have flowers for months to come
3 At Bragança there was no response from the tower as we transmitted our intentions , landed and taxied in to the little apron .
4 The french windows were closed and he drew his gun and peered in to the gloomy apartment .
5 It was a slow , infuriating process , and as A roads gave way to B and Robyn neared her destination already two hours late , the slowly darkening skies became as black and as desperate as Robyn 's frame of mind , until the heavens opened and it started to pour — not reasonable , perfectly acceptable drops of rain from a warm July sky , but pounding , penetrating torrents that battered and bounced off the roof of the jeep and seeped in through the ill-fitting windows .
6 It is thought to be exploring how insurance risks compare and fit in with the other financial risks it already manages routinely for customers .
7 And Pilger , an exasperatingly prickly individualist determined to expose the ills of the world , stubbornly refused to lower his standards and fit in with the new requirements .
8 Lesley turned smartly left as the lights changed , and wound her way by back-streets to the parking-ground on the edge of the shopping centre , a multi-storey monstrosity of raw concrete , at which she gazed with resigned distaste as she crept slowly up to the barrier and drove in to the second tier .
9 It 's possible that he tiptoed down the passage and came in by the main door .
10 However , with God himself at the focus of our lives , we can rise above mere curiosity and focus in on the true purpose for reading the Bible .
11 Some universities now have deputy or pro vice chancellors , who chair major committees and stand in for the vice chancellor .
12 Thousands turn up for parties every weekend and tune in to the national radio show he does with Djaimin .
13 I curled up in the shade of the parasol and tuned in to the natural static .
14 She just wanted to sink back into the dream and give in to the lovely floating sensation .
15 While Northumberland was imprisoned in the Tower ( 1605–21 ) , Warner brought his books from Syon , and joined in with the learned discussions of the earl and his other mathematical and scientific clients — Thomas Harriot , Robert Hues , and Nathaniel Torporley [ qq.v . ] .
16 and peering in through the front door
17 On the other hand , two crews decided to run beyond the jetty and get in through the low reeds beyond a willow tree at then end of the jetty .
18 Instantly they took advantage and leapt in under the hesitating staff but as they did so two other shafts struck in quick succession , Allen 's second and Marian 's first .
19 One man was killed and another two people injured when a car overturned and smashed in to the front wall of a house .
20 The first time she rang the bell and went in through the front doors of the elegant old house where the showrooms were situated ( Mattli had no rear entrance ) Paula felt she was stepping into the place of her dreams .
21 He waited another second , then shrugged his shoulders and went in through the double doors .
22 She 's seen him and went in with the electric bill and he , he bought hundred and sixty pound in stamps .
23 From the free-kick , Anderton 's shot squeezed through a wall which resembled a collander , hit Deane on the way through and rolled in by the near post .
24 Gregor Townsend later managed to pass to the referee — clad in near identical colours to the Scots — for the Samoans to plunder ball and scuttle in for the first of their three tries , though it might have been more had we not seen defensive heroics typified by a timely tackle on Leilane Une by Derek Turnbull .
25 Collecting up her leaflets , she made her way up to bed , and gave in to the little grin that had been trying to break out a few minutes before .
26 The canoes had to be carried across and put in on the other side of the dam , then we were given , mini lesson on the art of canoeing in swift water .
27 'Bye for now ! ’ she called , and ran in through the imposing front door .
28 I slide out of my smooth new womanly skin , and slide in behind the russet freckles and bristles facing me across the office to check this analysis .
29 On receipt of the reservation form , a room is allocated , and pencilled in on the advance reservation chart ( see Fig. 3.10 ) and density chart ( see Fig. 3.12 ) and a confirmation slip ( see Fig. 3.8 ) is sent to the client .
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