Example sentences of "and [verb] my [noun] in the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I have a tremendous fundamental urge to get out and make my way in the world .
2 With a mounting feeling of dread , I went to a chair at the far end of the table from Quigley and lowered my head in the gloom .
3 I stopped a hundred yards down the road and checked my bearings in the paperback A-Z I keep taped behind the sun visor .
4 I flew into the dining room , and found my husband in the middle of the floor , with a gaping hole in the ceiling above him .
5 At sunset , I climb back to the waterfall and wash my hair in the cold , clear water — a mundane chore elevated into sublime pleasure .
6 off the wall to do summat and just re-cement or something so I 've got ta wash my toothbrush , and tooth and wash my face in the kitchen sink .
7 The sun had got his hat on , so I took time out from the deep and meaningful stuff and studied my reflection in the glass .
8 I mean I 'll go out and do my bit in the way I know how and I leave him behind .
9 I try and catch my reflection in the shop windows we go past , just to see what me and Marie look like together .
10 and put my stuff in the trolley and that , you know
11 Richard moved about in the bathroom ; the light hurt my eyes so I turned on my stomach and hid my face in the pillow .
12 And should all efforts fail to entice the public , it 's Neneh who 'll need to ‘ go on a long holiday and bury my head in the sand ’ .
13 A , you might not want to come and join my company in the first place
14 It 's really got me thinking and questioning my approach in the studio , actually .
15 I squeeze my way up and try my key in the battered , irregular door at the top .
16 This was all happening while I was walking through the bus station and taking my place in the queue ; and when I gained my seat I began looking in my bag for a piece of paper and a biro , and then , on the inside of a chocolate-bar wrapping I wrote what I must memorize and recite if I were to get the message over to the doctor — I , who even made heavy weather of describing a sore throat ; I , who after a period in the waiting-room could dry up so as to be virtually dumb .
17 I have given lands and privileges to get knight service , and kept my army in the field by contracts my forefathers never countenanced .
18 Bill , I have been receiving home help , for which I 'm very grateful , a good service , but I paid four pound forty five a week for somebody to come in and just wash and dress my wife in the morning .
19 The doctor followed me almost immediately and injected my grandfather in the back of his hand .
20 I 'm ready to be productive and take my place in the techno world ! ’
21 " Shall I come and say my prayers in the morning ? "
22 No sooner were the purple crocuses out in the garden than I would take the morning bus into the city and spend my time in the main reference library reading and rereading the newspaper accounts of the trial .
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