Example sentences of "and [verb] its [noun sg] of the " in BNC.

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1 Only by steadily improving efficiency would Britain win and keep its share of the world 's markets .
2 I am advised that Dyfed is likely to reject the application and maintain its view of the extent of the IDO as presented in its High Court case .
3 In its latest report on the spread of AIDS ( acquired immune deficiency syndrome ) , published on July 31 , 1990 , the World Health Organization ( WHO ) said that the AIDS epidemic was " accelerating dramatically " and raised its estimate of the number of people infected with the AIDS virus ( HIV ) to between 8,000,000 and 10,000,000 .
4 In a preliminary report released yesterday , the company notes a particularly good performance by its commercial division in maintaining sales in Europe and increasing its penetration of the Pacific rim markets .
5 The right-wing New Democracy ( Nea Dimokratia — ND ) won 150 seats in the 300-seat Assembly ( Vouli ) , a net gain of two seats , and increased its share of the vote by 0.7 per cent .
6 In the elections in 44 of the country 's 47 prefectures for prefectural and municipal assemblies the LDP won 1,543 seats , 161 more than in 1987 , and increased its share of the vote from 44.7 per cent to 46.6 per cent .
7 Herr Genscher proposed a number of joint German-US measures , including blaming Serbia for the fighting and suspending its membership of the CSCE .
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