Example sentences of "and [verb] out into [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Carson ran up the brick steps to the courtyard 's wooden side-door , rattling the bolt free and stepping out into the narrow alley that ran down the side of the house .
2 It was then that a familiar figure detached itself from the shadows of the trees and moved out into the dim orange light of one of the streetlamps .
3 Some of the men undressed to their loincloths and waded out into the cold water while others pushed the trees from the bank .
4 Even when lightning lit the skies and the floodgates opened when she was still twenty miles from her destination she merely flicked on the car 's wipers and peered out into the black night , letting the piercing beam of the headlights guide her along the road .
5 For this reason , a Christian marriage is a like an opened door , through which we see new visions , and walk out into a vast panorama we never knew existed .
6 ‘ Did n't sleep well , ’ he said , mildly apologetic , snatching a bite of bread and cheese , gulping a cup of coffee standing before nodding curtly and dashing out into a freezing morning .
7 She looked ravishing , dressed in a light blue Summer dress of rayon , which fitted snugly over her perfect breasts , and flared out into a pleated skirt below a wide belt .
8 She wanted to rush to the door and get out into the open air again before she suffocated .
9 Yanto smiled bid Knocker good night , and walked out into the cool night air .
10 She said ‘ my place ’ as though it were some stately country house , though it was just a patch of sand scrupulously cleared of grass and thorn and scooped out into a round shallow hollow …
11 She swung the door open and stepped out into the cold air .
12 Colour another 225g 18oz ) of the marzipan green , and roll out into a long wide strip .
13 She walked to the window and looked out into the dull afternoon light .
14 There were no new notices on the wall-board criss-crossed with tape for messages , and Marion allowed Conroy to push open the big doors and go out into the cavernous darkness of the wings with their slats of scenery fencing the hollow stage , its set furniture dead beneath one working light .
15 We crossed the footbridge and went out into a silent forecourt .
16 Going through the scullery she pulled on an old coat and went out into the tiny back garden .
17 He took the Mascot Missile 's keys from the tray in the hall and went out into the driving rain .
18 He took Hasan 's hand and went out into the clear light of April .
19 His fingers were bloody and in his eyes there was such despair that I could not stand it and went out into the filthy courtyard ’ .
20 She gathered her pages of notes and went out into the sunlit streets .
21 But there was no punishing flame , only orange tongues consuming the huts and reaching out into the dark sky .
22 There was no sound from below and , carefully , Craig opened a door and stared out into the shabby passageway .
23 She rose and moved to the window and stared out into the silent square .
24 He breathed deeply , and lacking anything better to do opened his bedroom window even further and leaned out into the cold night .
25 At last she found the exit at the far end of the enormous shed , and burst out into a dark courtyard , littered with the hulks of abandoned machinery , which she remembered from the morning .
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