Example sentences of "and [verb] her [noun sg] in the " in BNC.

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1 Naturally , Hannah had to take her place on the Baldersdale treadmill , working to the orders of her uncle in the fields ( her father died when she was an infant ) and assisting her mother in the kitchen and wash house .
2 Lindsey dropped the cards on to the desk , took a deep breath and checked her appearance in the mirror , seeing the fashionable dark tailored skirt and the short-sleeved blouse with its red epaulettes .
3 He , having lost all his money gambling or speculating in stocks , seizes such a weapon from the wall , kills her and dumps her body in the alley .
4 Roman brought the car to a halt in front of the flats and , without waiting for him to open her door , Claudia got out and inserted her key in the lock .
5 With sufficient work completed for her first show , Vanessa had exhausted her theme and recovered her interest in the living .
6 ‘ On the dole , more likely , ’ says Sandra , suppressing a yawn , and checking her appearance in the mirrored wall behind her mother 's back .
7 She has been moving well in home gallops and defends her record in the Gainsborough Stud Fred Darling Stakes .
8 Fifteen minutes later Lindsey shed her jacket , flicked a comb through her hair and studied her appearance in the mirror .
9 Louisa began again , but faltered when she saw Emilia close her eyes and shake her head in the little bonnet she wore .
10 She turned over and buried her head in the pillow .
11 Fiona shuddered , her voice almost a squeal as she took a series of sudden , deep in-rushing breaths , and buried her head in the hollow between Lachlan Watt 's shoulder and neck .
12 She looked round her bedroom and saw that David had left his wristwatch on her bedside table ; the scent of the citrus aftershave he used still hung in the air and when finally , in despair , she turned and buried her head in the pillow , the bed beneath her was still warm with the imprint of his body .
13 Dolly quivered all over and buried her face in the pillows to smother her shrieks of laughter .
14 Then she sat down beside Tug , put her elbows on the table and rested her chin in the palms of her hands .
15 Sweat beaded her face and soaked her body in the most unladylike way .
16 Al Shaati , head second on her reappearance at Carlisle , should improve for the run and open her account in the Polygon Quality Management Maiden .
17 Al Shaati , head second on her reappearance at Carlisle , should improve for the run and open her account in the Polygon Quality Management Maiden .
18 That night , she bathed and scented her body in the bath , then blow-dried her hair and applied make-up with great care .
19 Sliding into the driver 's seat , she slammed the door shut and turned her key in the ignition .
20 When she heard the shrill call , like an owl but human , she slipped out and joined her lover in the little barn beside the byre .
21 Away from it all , Skye was older and wiser : she practised a wry smile and admired her profile in the cafe window .
22 The newscaster then switched to a trivial item about a cat who 'd been rescued from the roof of the houses of Parliament , and Kathleen flicked off the set and threw her sandwich in the bin , her appetite gone .
23 Besides , what would she be doing , wearing Paris gowns and getting her picture in the paper , ? ’
24 She spent her days walking her dogs and riding her pony in the large garden .
25 For modesty 's sake she got out of her clothes and into her night clothes , and , taking her black dress with her , she left her room , crossed the sitting-room , and hung her dress in the spacious wardrobes in the lobby .
26 But she knew that Platt Hall had the finest collection of nineteenth-century dresses outside the Victoria and Albert Museum , and reason told her that undertaking such an unusual project would provide a unique opportunity to learn about historical fabrics and keep her company in the forefront of its competition .
27 ‘ And because poor Karen 's got to go and hide her bushel in the Isle of Man .
28 She pushed open the glass door , muttered good morning , and took her place in the queue .
29 What soon became known as ‘ The Glorious Revolution ’ was to shape England 's defence policy , and affect her place in the world , for at least the next century .
30 Now that she was free to choose , Ianthe looked forward to going to the same church every Sunday and finding her place in the congregation .
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