Example sentences of "and [verb] a [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The greatest challenge is public education in order to reduce fear and to promote a better understanding of the aims of services .
2 Operation Torch — the American invasion of French North Africa in November 1942 — was the culmination of Allied attempts to exclude de Gaulle and to promote a viable alternative to Gaullism .
3 I sniffed it and whispered an obscene word to it , then I put on my coat and overshoes and walked out of the hotel .
4 Then he allows for the effects of a ‘ propagation mechanism ’ ( see section 5.1(a) ) by adding the lagged value of to equation ( 6.2 ) and attaching a positive coefficient to it , giving :
5 Nevertheless , visiting the Company was an important occasion in Mary O'Dell 's calendar ; when her husband was the landlord , she always fussed over him beforehand , ironing his best shirt , starching the collar , sponging his blue serge suit and tucking a clean handkerchief into his top pocket .
6 They are also extremely vocal , calling and bellowing a good deal of the time .
7 Attempts to reconcile these two decisions have expanded human ingenuity and expended an unconscionable amount of time , effort and paper .
8 Sometimes , Henry thought , it would be kindness itself to rise one night between three and four when the suburb slept and drag a sharp stone across the Mitsubishi 's flanks .
9 During the 1930s the world had seen considerable political and military changes , already the dictators of Europe were making territorial gains , and the Japanese also had designs on mainland Asia , invading Manchuria and waging a savage war on China .
10 And so , when faced with something he or she feels unsure about , they seek security from the more confident ( and usually more dominant ) dog , which has been allowed to learn independence and develop a one-to-one relationship with the owner .
11 A major part of the Conservative agenda has been to undermine socialism and develop a contemporary form of laissez-faire market economics , to move Britain from a culture of dependency to the enterprise culture .
12 Even if the primary focus is the needs of an older person , the counsellor can not afford to ‘ take sides ’ , but should instead aim to help the whole family face up to and develop a wider understanding of the problems and difficulties that exist in old age , and in caring for older people .
13 Speaking at the Institute of Strategic Studies in London , he suggested that the 12 EC member countries should make a mutual defence pledge ( as in the Brussels Treaty of the Western European Union — WEU — comprising all EC members except Denmark , Greece and Ireland ) and develop a common policy on weapons research and production .
14 Secondly , their underrating of the ‘ caesaristic ’ elements of Hitler 's mass charismatic base meant that , far from providing a new foundation for the power of the traditional élites , as they had hoped , the plebiscitary acclamation of the Führer enabled Hitler 's own power to detach itself from its likely shackles and develop a high degree of relative autonomy , at the same time reducing former dominant groups like the army from ‘ power-élites ’ proper to merely ‘ functional élites ’ , unable to check Hitler himself and the ‘ wild men ’ of the Nazi Movement , even when wishing to do so .
15 For these and other linguistic and cultural reasons it is relatively easy for the speaker of one Bantu language to learn another and develop a high level of competence in it .
16 For instance , Diggle et al. ( 1990 ) assess the hypothesis that cancer of the larynx is associated with proximity to a now-closed incinerator and develop a statistical model from the theory of spatial point processes to test this .
17 As we have seen , although positivist criminologists were often shy of associating themselves with specific corrective programmes , they saw crime as pathological and shared a general consensus in favour of a broadly rehabilitative approach to ridding ourselves of it .
18 Later , as night crept over the Rorim , they met in Riven 's room and shared a few pitchers of ale .
19 It denies that it is sliding out of its responsibility towards archaeological sites : ‘ Our archaeological activities will still continue and remain a vital part of our work ’ .
20 If you seriously wish to lose your weight then it is most sensible to do it by looking carefully at your diet and eating a good balance of carbohydrates and protein with a reduced fat content .
21 I personally know of a foreign company planning to establish a factory and recruit a thousand staff in Britain .
22 It was necessary either to retain the existing records system and recruit an additional member of the clerical team , or to tackle the problem -employee record keeping and reporting — at source , and create a more efficient and appropriate information system .
23 Skilled players may choose to hook gently or draw the shot by aiming down the right side of the fairway and encouraging an early rotation of the right hand over the left prior to impact .
24 These should be major counselling objectives , and encouraging an ageing person to be part of such a group would indeed constitute a major counselling success .
25 Ella Burrows , ever the angel of mercy , organised the girls Into baking tins of biscuits and cakes , and knitting a constant supply of jumpers and balaclavas for the menfolk .
26 Similarly , if a child with bacterial diarrhoea is taken to a health clinic and prescribed a necessary course of antibiotics , the mother might be unwilling to give them to the child if her hot/cold classification of the antibiotics conflicts with her classification of the type of diarrhoea .
27 To enable researchers to report back on the results of recently completed research in the Scottish courts to an invited audience comprising the various branches of the legal profession , policy makers concerned with the administration of justice , pressure group and voluntary organisations and to stimulate an informed discussion of key findings .
28 ACE exists predominantly as an ectoenzyme of vascular endothelial cells and plays a key part in the renin-angiotensin and kallikrein-kinin systems by activating angiotensin I into angiotensin II and inactivating bradykinin .
29 Laura , an accountant , has just won the Ulster ladies ' individual life-saving title for the fourth year running , while Karen is in the ambulance service and plays a key role as secretary of Ireland 's No.1 club in the RLSS — Southend .
30 In addition , both ICAMs are expressed at low levels on resting vascular endothelium ; ICAM-1 is strongly upregulated by cytokine stimulation and plays a key role in the arrest of leukocytes in blood vessels at sites of inflammation and injury .
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