Example sentences of "and [verb] at the [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Another design that was to remain a firm favourite was the waterproof snow boot — fur-lined , with suede on the outside and fastened at the front or side with a zip .
2 come and sit at the table and wait , come on , put those away
3 Just as " every clerk 's " unanimity of opinion directs the laughter of " " every wight " " at the end of the Miller 's Tale ( 3847 – 9 ) , the text of the Reeve 's Tale brings its readers to view and laugh at the miller and his family through the clerks ' perceptions , their attitudes and their frame of reference : We may particularly note , for instance , how the incongruous " " par compaignye " " that Nicholas and Alison put in the mouth of the unfortunate John recurs in this urbane rendering of the family 's vulgar cacophany , and how the somewhat different " " melodye " " recalls the " " revel " " and the " " melodye " " that Alison and Nicholas enjoy .
4 This is bright red and is extruded and flickered at the enemy when the caterpillar is disturbed .
5 And to stand at the ford as long as humanly possible , denying the Northumbrians the crossing until they were forced to give way .
6 Richard had nodded his head and looked at the floor and said nothing .
7 The answers have still to be provided , but six months on Mota and her coach/boyfriend Joś Pedrosa sit happily in their holiday home just outside Oporto and chuckle at the thought that her racing career is in crisis .
8 My father checks the cellar every few weeks , going nervously down with a torch , counting the bales and sniffing , and looking at the thermometer and hygrometer .
9 Talking , and looking at the earth and the sky , we just walked about until it was dark .
10 What follows is a consideration of a few vital food elements outlining their importance to the health of older people , and looking at the effect that dietary deficiency might have on what have hitherto been considered normal factors in the ageing process .
11 Berowne could n't both have held the razor in his right hand and clutched at the blanket as he fell .
12 ‘ While you 're brushing down your overcoat , Anne , Christine and I will go and look at the tree and see if we can climb up to the apples . ’
13 Er we pride ourselves on our housekeeping , it 's a selling factor for us , and we have customers come round and look at the plant and they always commend us quite highly on our housekeeping .
14 I had gone too far and experienced too much , I needed to slow down , to get back to the small things , the practical things , to measuring and cutting and fixing , and it was with relief that I noticed that daylight had begun to invade the room , I kept quite still , I held the glass firmly in my gaze , gradually the elements already worked on began to emerge , some more clearly than others , some in outline only and some only when they impeded the free flow of light through the glass , until the sun came up and was reflected back from the windows of the house opposite and I could sit and look at the glass and think back through the work and the mistakes and the few successes , and sense again with that sickening feeling in the pit of the stomach that the whole of the right hand side of the lower panel was still a mess , nothing there had been resolved , but then I drew back from that , though it kept trying to pull me back to itself , and concentrated on what was beginning to work , on the left hand areas both top and bottom and on the elegance of the frame and the joy of seeing the bare walls and the wainscoting appear through the empty areas , and as I moved round so different parts of the room appeared and the relation of the surface of the glass to what lay behind changed , precision and fluidity , precision and fluidity , he wrote , choice and chance , not choice alone and chance alone but the two together , that is why delay , not stoppage and not flow but delay , delay in glass , he wrote , as when the plane is late and you should have been gone , have already arrived perhaps , but you are still there , or the sprinter beats the gun and the whole field is called back , the race could have been over but it has not yet started .
15 Yes , I 'll shall have to go and see at the traffic and find out what 's gone wrong .
16 Cleaning invariably begins and ends at the sink whether installations use domestic equipment or the 450 litre giants or the catering ‘ plonge ’ .
17 Freestyle Ramps will provide the ramp , in the form of a brand new big vert job , which will then be shipped back to England and used at the Town and Country show this year as well .
18 Now he is messing around with education , and look at the mess that that will be in .
19 Glance at the sentences and memorize the next few phrases and look at the audience while you are speaking .
20 Forget the cameras and everyone else in the studio and talk to and look at the interviewer or the members of the panel .
21 But here there is no minimum price specified and stock is sold to the highest bidders and sold at the price that each has bid .
22 But suddenly it turned and galloped at the house and to my horror it leapt gigantically up and straight at me with bared teeth .
23 But , she was telling the story of a man who was travelling over the moor and it was many years ago on horseback and er he was completely lost and wan , it was getting dark and he wanted to stay somewhere for the night and he sort of travelled and could n't see anywhere and eventually down a long drive he saw a house wi , blazing with lights so he went down this house and er , all the windows were alight , you know were lit up and he knocked at the door and knocked at the door , and knocked at the door and could n't get any answer , no one ever came to the door so in desperation he thought well this is no good !
24 Tony stared up at the stage and marvelled at the charisma that surrounded the young man .
25 She also taught PT and games at the local evangelical school , which has a special place in her affections ; she watched its roll of pupils rise from 100 to 1,000 , and marvelled at the harmony that prevailed among children from the different warring factions .
26 The way the parapet wall , which screens the attics , sweeps down in a bold curve is exceptionally pretty , and it really makes you want to stop and stare at the house as you glimpse it through trees and across the river meadow from the Dorchester to Godmanstone road .
27 Like a glacier , we will be freezing at one end and unfreezing at the other while still making progress .
28 In the next few days nearly all Sullivans diplomatic colleagues came to offer their condolences and to marvel at the fact that no one had been killed .
29 In full face the nose was revealed as a little too wide and flattened at the base and the dark eyes , which when he was animated took on a fierce , almost manic gleam , in repose were pools of puzzled endurance .
30 I stay in bed and pluck at the counterpane and listen to the winds of solitude roaring at the edge of infinity and the wolves of evil baying down the void , and I look into the darkness . ’
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