Example sentences of "and [verb] he [verb] been [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I heard a scuffle outside and presumed he 'd been escorted from the building , but before leaving he pushed a News of the World Christmas card under the door offering me £40,000 for an interview .
2 Riven blinked , and realised he had been staring at nothing for a long minute .
3 He then stopped himself in mid-sentence and claimed he had been joking .
4 Once there he held a much-publicised news conference during which he ridiculed American intelligence and claimed he had been held in captivity by the CIA .
5 My son-in-law came home a few weeks ago and confessed he 'd been having an affair with a girl in his office .
6 I later interviewed the bemused recordist , and established he had been given two portable stereo tape recorders , which he had laid on the ground pointing in opposite directions .
7 Mungo caught Jos 's eye , and knew he had been forgiven .
8 And to think he 'd been agonizing about what line to take on Bartocci 's conspiracy theory !
9 He still insisted he had done nothing to be ashamed of and said he had been cleared of wrongdoing by his ‘ constant friend ’ Mr Major .
10 The MP vigorously denied assault and said he had been struck by the officer .
11 He thought he was covered to drive another vehicle , and said he had been told as much on the telephone by his insurers .
12 Mr Templeton said that minutes later he had spoken to a policeman who contradicted that information and said he had been told that there was someone in the building .
13 Mr Wakil denounced Mr Najibullah for cowardice in trying to flee and said he had been forced to resign as head of the ruling Watan ( Homeland ) Party .
14 When questioned by police he confessed to the killing and said he 'd been drinking and taking amphetamines .
15 So it was a happy coincidence that the Rev Alan Mackenzie at the same Congress was able to announce that he had recently attended a meeting between Sir Keith Joseph , then Secretary of State for Social Services , and representatives of other national voluntary organisations concerned with the deaf and the hard of hearing , where the Minister 's intention of setting up a permanent committee to help and advise him had been discussed .
16 Has the minister indicated Madam Speaker , this is my point of order , whether or not he intends to come before the house to acknowledge the reality of the two tier system and to admit he has been misleading the house .
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