Example sentences of "of him [prep] [art] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She told Harriet that she often met King Edward VII in her dreams and thought of him as a kind of uncle .
2 I thought of him as a patrician in the Roman tradition , cultured , erudite , civilized , governed above all by his sense of duty .
3 Dalgliesh thought of him as a type of police officer less common than formerly but still not rare ; the conscientious and incorruptible detective of limited imagination and somewhat greater intelligence who had never supposed that the evil of the world should be condoned because it was frequently inexplicable and its perpetrators unfortunate .
4 She remembered him laughing kindly as he said this , because he liked Joe , he liked Joe very much ; but at the same time he felt guilty about him , because in a way he had made use of him as a sort of cover .
5 As Kingsley says , ‘ England has need of him as a transition-stage between feudalism and , for many a day to come .
6 Not even his so-called students thought of him as a figure of authority .
7 Rees-Mogg went about his business conscientiously and with a good degree of enthusiasm , and while it is hard to think of him as a representative of the common man , sheer assiduousness probably bridged the gulf between the housing estates of suburbia and the Old Rectory , Hinton Blewitt .
8 They know that he is playing a part ; they are amused by his attempts to amuse them ; and grow fond of him ; and thereby demonstrate their own tolerance to themselves ; and grow even fonder of him as the occasion of the demonstration .
9 Shelley had been conscious of him through the corner of her eye , but had deliberately made no effort to speak to him .
10 Not because we made a fool of him at the Reel on Monday , no no , not at all .
11 There was no sign of them in the next field , but ahead of him at the top of the hill he saw the young dog , looking black against the morning sky .
12 The scabby , festering evil went out of him at the touch of this holy place .
13 That he has used his linguistic skills to make such a protest , where before he has been content merely with linguistic cleverness , marks an important development in his character and it leaves the reader with a distinctly more favourable impression of him at the end of the play than at the beginning .
14 Eadmer has provided a striking picture of him at the meeting between the pope and William of Warelwast in 1103 , sitting silent while the royal messenger held forth and the pope replied with words which were received with enthusiasm by the bystanders as a declaration that no layman could ever be a doorway into the Lord 's sheepfold .
15 Trevino is all teed-up and in the process of taking his club back when a guy comes out of the crowd in front of him with a camera on his shoulder and walks right across the fairway .
16 ‘ One of 'em took a photo of him on the footplate of ‘ The Cornishman ’ .
17 To win , you must throw your opponent , ideally on his back ; or dispose of him on the ground with an armlock , strangle or 30 second hold .
18 Er , he , there was a pic there was a picture of him on the report in the paper and he was sitting in his convertible Morris Minor .
19 But no one has heard anything of him since the collapse of the northern empire . ’
20 ‘ I 'd been trying to see as little as possible of him towards the end of term .
21 For the best midfielder in the country I 'd be looking closer to 5–6 mil especially if he went to Rangers or abroad — but personally I would n't sell him , so going on past experience that means Wilko will get rid of him before the end of the season .
22 His small , glistening secretary plunged along in front of him like a dolphin under the bowsprit .
23 In this version , the man carried a parasol , and the most memorable sequence is when , brandishing it in front of him like a cross between a broom and a weapon , he opens and shuts it in time with the steps .
24 Hold it up in front of him like a cross in front of Dracula ?
25 I got hold of him by the scruff of the neck and took him along to the police box and rang up for the wagon .
26 And she at bed time she gets hold of him by the scruff of the neck and
27 As Mr Hallam tried to get up , a member of the opposing team grabbed hold of him in a kind of headlock and he saw Newton kick Mr Hallam in the jaw .
28 Holding his young son in front of him in a sort of cruel parody of his wedding procession , he was humiliatingly marched publicly down the full length of the new Chandni Chowk .
29 We do n't know exactly where but it must have been close , as he dragged himself home to his favourite spot on the lawn where his life ebbed out of him in the quiet of the night .
30 He seizes him and disposes of him in the river like the previous three bodies , and finally gets his pay , the wife being all the more glad for having got rid of her repugnant husband .
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