Example sentences of "of their [noun] for the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Ford have ordered a recall of their roofracks for the new Escort and Orion models following three incidents , one involving canoes .
2 Talks are under way to find a home of their choice for the 20 residents .
3 Well , more so , actually , than South African Prime Minister D. F. Malan , who , on being introduced to Dudley Nourse 's 1951 Springboks during their visit to Parliament in Cape Town on the eve of their departure for the 1951 tour of England , had said to the legendary Nourse : ‘ I hope you are enjoying your visit to South Africa . ’
4 They tend , as they have done for the past fifty years , to respond to the events of the day without projecting forward the effects of their policies for the necessary 18–24 months .
5 The motley band stared in awe at the figure who would be in charge of their lives for the next three months .
6 He returned to England and became the leading supporter of Edward Baliol [ q.v. ] in Baliol 's attempt to secure the Scottish throne for himself and the restoration of their lands for the disinherited .
7 The Chinese foreign ministry said yesterday that a resumption of Sino-British dialogue depended on Mr Patten abandoning the proposals , which would allow Hong Kong people to elect a majority of their legislature for the first time in 1995. — Reuter
8 Here the governors ' role is crucial because of their responsibility for the overall conduct and ethos of the school .
9 In any case , many royal clerks would see no sharp distinction between royal and church business or between clerical taxation and clerical reform , both of which were relevant to the well-being of the church : for many clergy , as indeed for Winchelsey , the solvency of the crown was part of their responsibility for the Christian commonwealth .
10 Port Vale 's FA Cup run has hampered Rovers in their chase for Vale boss John Rudge , who they had placed top of their shortlist for the managerial vacancy .
11 As part of their preparations for the Olympic Games , the Olympic Racing Squad were due to fly to Florida last month for a fortnight 's training camp .
12 A dialect , too , where syntax and grammar work differently to ‘ standard ’ English , the sort taught in our educational institutions , shows that someone has consciously or unconsciously chosen not to abandon the speech patterns of their region for the blander cadences of BBC English .
13 In the larger towns many parish priests were singing the majority of their masses for the dead with no family member present and with only an altar server to chant the responses .
14 In the first week , 13 British players qualified through virtue of their rankings for the main draw , six out of the eight quarter-finals placings were British , with all four semi-finals placings also occupied by home players — a very successful first week !
15 THE mothers at the centre of the hospital baby swop case talked of their anguish for the first time last night .
16 The Government talk about the enlargement of the Community and apparently have included it as one of their objectives for the British presidency next year .
17 There , Daf workers who are made redundant will receive 70 per cent of their wages for the next four years .
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