Example sentences of "of his [noun] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He went out and Robertson heard the hooves of his garron clopping on the road .
2 Of course she was nervous , he thought , seeing the big white-painted facade of his home come into the open .
3 that there was no evidence of , or finding of , any specific prejudices to the respondent in the preparation of his defence caused by the delay in the proceedings ;
4 DARLINGTON Tory councillor Peter Jones is more optimistic of his man staying in the big league .
5 Since the Trust was founded Hillary has spent much of his life touring around the world raising money , always with the same enthusiasm that once took him to the top of Everest .
6 ‘ White spent much of his life balanced on the boundary between crankiness and brilliance , ’ continues Girouard ; ‘ in the end he fell off on the wrong side , and a large proportion of his last years were wasted in trying to prove that Shakespeare was Bacon .
7 Joseph Damien , without hesitation , volunteered , and for the rest of his life lived among the lepers .
8 The question sometimes arises whether in fact the plaintiff will be able for the rest of his life to obtain outside the National Health Service the facilities that he requires .
9 Somebody who has spent 40 years of his life working for the Scottish Transport Group would receive two thirds of his pensionable salary on retirement .
10 The Welsh campaign was actively supported by Don Arnott , a retired nuclear scientist who had spent most of his life working on the uses of radioactivity in medicine .
11 Horses were his love and he had spent the best years of his life working at the Galloway stables .
12 Dr Walter Yellowlees has spent much of his life working in the Scottish county of Perthshire , where he has daily encountered diseases related to poor nutrition such as diabetes , coronary heart disease , high blood pressure and above all cancer .
13 Pyotr Paskar resigned as Chair of the Council of Ministers in Moldavia on May 24 in response to criticism of his government voiced in the new Moldavian Supreme Soviet ( elected in February — ibid . ) .
14 Now the army is back in control and has marked its victory by boosting up new pictures of Saddam , always with the same smile , the white of his teeth emphasized by the dark moustache .
15 Although he never weighed more than 175 pounds , he had the build of a heavyweight from the waist up , and he fought the world 's leading heavyweights , with few of his fights lasting beyond the first few rounds .
16 It may be significant , as S.D. Keynes has suggested , that the chapters which bear most signs of his influence come at the end , and that their subject matter is closely related to that of the tracts entered before the Letter .
17 There will be a liaison judge in the Crown Court who will see it as part of his function to liaise with the lay magistrate and to meet them and to discuss erm such matters as erm sentencing principles with them .
18 The square toe-cap of his Lundhag caught in the snow about two metres down .
19 He stood there in full evening dress , the shiny black rim of his topper slicing across the bulge of his massive brow .
20 The bowl of his pipe hung from the top pocket of his tweed jacket .
21 With these primitive materials the native painted those elements of his surroundings belonging to the mythology of the Dreamtime when the earth was fashioned and the life thereon : snakes , birds , fish , turtles , crocodiles , and humans , all depicted in a rich and decorative formalised style .
22 But at the same time , if there is a God , it is perfectly plausible to argue that He would desire the discussion of His existence to proceed in the argumentative , confused and doubting way in which it currently does .
23 He turned about , the silken skirts of his robe hissing across the floor 's surface .
24 The thundering of his heart merged with the beat of her own blood , deafening her to everything around them .
25 Now the FA plan to take the players pool under their umbrella , retaining Smith because of his success working with the players since the 1986 World Cup finals .
26 Jews and the ‘ Jewish Question , were mentioned as such neither in Hitler 's New Year exhortation to his Party at the beginning of 1932 , nor in his notorious speech to the Düsseldorfer Industrieklub in January , nor in his ‘ Appeal to the Nation ’ , sold as a record in July and typical of his election addresses in the first half of the year .
27 Then I saw the light of his candle approaching through the darkness , and he appeared , looking pale and depressed .
28 Now he had to face cares and obligations which had been unknown to him before ; and the beginning of his cares lay in the stern discipline of the study of books .
29 , William ( fl. 1150 ) , financier , is first noted in the early 1150s and was dead in 1166 , when a note of his debts came to the Exchequer .
30 In fact it worked out well for Fouroux , since most of his players ran into the sort of form which , if reproduced tonight , will make the Home Union 's players wish they were just that — at home .
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