Example sentences of "of the few [noun pl] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 These were probably one of the few things of mine not due to be on show at the First Church of Christ the Spiritualist later this morning .
2 ‘ It is one of the few things in which I excel , ’ Ratagan said .
3 He walks to the crease with a swagger , totally confident , undoubtedly one of the few batsmen to whom the word ‘ Unforgettable ’ could be applied without risk of hyperbole .
4 Stylistic analysis was one of the few tasks for which such statistical information was deemed appropriate [ Ellegard , 1962 ] .
5 She could look back on that time with a great deal of fondness ; it had been one of the few times in her life when she had been truly free — there had been no one , neither family , friends nor employer — to make demands on her .
6 ‘ A mirror , ’ Reynard repeats , realising this is one of the few times in his life he 's been surprised .
7 Edward sat frozen , one of the few times in his life he had been genuinely frightened .
8 It was one of the few times in my life when I actually spoke the truth .
9 This is perhaps one of the few areas in which more research may provide genuinely useful insights for more realistic conservation programmes .
10 I was lucky to have chosen to work in theoretical physics because that was one of the few areas in which my condition would not be a serious handicap .
11 It is after all one of the few areas in our lives over which we have control .
12 The Secretary of State is one of the few Ministers for whom I have any respect .
13 Franco Zeffirelli , one of the few directors with whom Karajan collaborated , recalled : ‘ Karajan did n't even try to direct .
14 England is one of the few countries in which the legal tradition provides a test which can distinguish between the natural and the unnatural , the civilised and the barbarous .
15 But Bolivia is one of the few countries in which hyperinflation has had a happy outcome .
16 In one of the few misjudgements of his brilliant career Cockroft said that he was ‘ 90 per cent certain ’ that thermonuclear fusion was occurring .
17 One of the few luxuries within their reach is ceviche , a delicious mess of chopped raw fish with onions and lemon ; since fish feed near sewers , and are caught by people who wash ( if at all ) in sewer-water , they are perfect for spreading infection .
18 Since non-acceptance on the basis of length of residence is one of the few ways in which local workers can retain any of their old status in the village , they restrict their social contacts to those who share these judgements with them .
19 Should anyone be interested , I would gladly co-ordinate their efforts — one of the few ways in which I might be able to help the Society from this distance ’ .
20 This is an important aspect of the hardware as it is one of the few ways in which the hardware of the RISC utilises the instruction set .
21 He is actually one of the few men around who is not obsessed by faithlessness .
22 He is actually one of the few men around who is not obsessed by faithlessness .
23 LEFT : The chimney of Holcombe Mill is one of the few survivors of its kind .
24 Mr Parkinson can turn his back on all this but if he decides to confront it , road pricing is one of the few tools at his disposal .
25 Oldfield 's friendship with Richard Branson remained one of the few absolutes of his life .
26 Two of the screen 's toughest tough guys , James Cagney and Humphrey Bogart , each won his only Oscar in one of the few films in which he played a goody : Yankee Doodle Dandy and The African Queen respectively .
27 Boyle was one of the few Tories for whom Crosland had any time .
28 One of the few conductors of his father 's music to excite Maxim Shostakovich 's admiration is Haitink .
29 Defence has accounted for 11% of UK manufacturing output and is one of the few sectors in which the country is still a world leader .
30 There 's a bust of the author in Exeter college chapel ; one of the few reminders of him in Oxford .
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