Example sentences of "of the [adj] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Moore , a British civil servant and one of the outstanding pioneers of the Golden Age .
2 Huge though the payment was , it was widely regarded as a bargain , partly because most of the bill was met by insurers and partly because the amount was a fraction of the outstanding claims against the firm .
3 Our only aim is to give you ever more news and views from some of the outstanding writers on the game .
4 NASHWAN 'S owner and trainer yesterday decided against the only course of action that could have restored the reputation of their Derby winner as one of the outstanding racehorses of the post-war era by opting to by-pass the richest and usually most competitive race in Europe , the Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe .
5 While one of the outstanding attractions of the policy is that you receive a cash payment on your 65th birthday ( or after ten years , whichever is later ) , the benefits certainly do n't end there .
6 MICK McCarthy 's scoring exploits with Skibbereen have been one of the outstanding features of the All Ireland Club football championship campaign .
7 Further south are some of the outstanding examples of the Byzantine influenced Romanesque churches of France .
8 May became one of the outstanding architects of the seventeenth century .
9 Ebles of Ventadour , the only other troubadour known from William IX 's time , came from the Limousin , and most of the outstanding song-writers of the next generation — Cercamon , Marcabru , Jaufré Rudel , Bernard de Ventadour — lived and worked within the borders of Aquitaine .
10 Graph search terminology allows us to give a breakdown of the minimum requirements of the sort of mechanism required to search this space , regardless of ( i ) how information about valid paths is retrieved , ( ii ) how the search space is constructed and stored , and ( iii ) the specific strategies used for searching that space .
11 The appeal had been based on both the Irish Constitution 's recognition of the equal rights of the mother and the unborn child , and the freedom of movement guaranteed within the European Communities .
12 In evaluating the market as a mechanism for disciplining management , however , it is necessary to take account of its wider impact , both in terms of the results of consummated mergers and of the overall effects of the threat of a change in control on management behaviour .
13 An appraisal of the project follows whereby cost estimates , required capital expenditure , revenue generation and tax effects of each option are rigorously appraised and considered in the context of the overall objectives of the business .
14 Discussions were open and informed ; each member of staff was kept aware of the overall needs of the school and the constraints upon them .
15 awareness of the immediate claims of the Broad Strategy eg the claim for a 32 hour , 4 day week , etc ;
16 problems of identification also arise when portraits are less individualised , as in the case of the immediate successors of the Roman Emperor Augustus , who modelled their portraits on the founder of their dynasty .
17 There are , for instance , mnemonic devices in oral cultures which offer some resistance to this process : ‘ formalised patterns of speech , recital under ritual conditions , the use of drums and other musical instruments , the employment of professional remembrancers — all such factors may shield at least part of the content of memory from the transmuting influence of the immediate pressures of the present ’ ( 1968 , p. 31 ) .
18 However , while the resolution of the immediate crises in the user 's life and the provision of a counselling service to help users think objectively about their position may provide the ‘ ideal conditions ’ for coming off , users must still come to terms with their addiction , their lifestyle and whether the alternatives on offer hold sufficient promise .
19 The application of the strange properties of the quantum Hall effect is still in its infancy but the rewards of this reverse flow from technology to pure science could be very great indeed .
20 Creggan had been afraid of almost everything when he first came — of the Men , of the strange sounds from the rest of the Zoo , of the people staring from the path that ran past the Cages .
21 Turning to indirect discrimination under section l(l) ( b ) of the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 the Industrial Tribunal had applied the defence that the condition was justifiable on account of the reasonable needs of the employer 's business using the test formulated by Eveleigh LJ in Ojutiku and Obuzuni v Manpower Services Commission [ 1982 ] ICR 661 .
22 Within such a volume , there will be a unique dependence of the average strains in the phases upon the overall strain in the mixture .
23 Instead , my attention was caught by the evidence coming from the hippocampal work , discussed in the last chapter , about the role of the phosphorylated proteins of the synaptic membrane .
24 An aspect of the purported effects of the political system is the policy co-option argument — that the extreme right , at least in recent years , has been unsuccessful because of the ease with which some of its appeals ( or some attenuated version of them ) can be adopted by major parties , after the former parties have shown themselves unable to break into the political system .
25 Eurocurrency is currency held outside the control of the monetary authorities of the country where the currency originates
26 In this way such balances would be outside the control of the monetary authorities in the US ( see first definition offered of Eurocurrency earlier in the chapter ) .
27 The disturbance of the balance which would occure by the immersion of the lift in the water at the foot of its inclined way may be automatically compensated by varying the effective diameters of the winding drums of the balance ropes , or by bringing auxiliary power into operation at the required moment .
28 On 14 December 1989 , she visited the Casa Republicii for the last time and expressed alarm on seeing that one of the decorative features of the stairways leading to the southern entrance of the palace had the image of a cross when seen from high above .
29 The same publisher is also offering L'art décoratif en Europe — Classique et Baroque , the first of three volumes , edited by Alain Gruber , on the development of the decorative arts through the circulation of printed designs from one European country to another ( FFr990 ) .
30 The seneschal had told Quiss that the air circulation system was powered by one of the lowest ranks of the castle 's diminutive attendants ; they walked round inside treadmills linked to big watermill-like fans .
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