Example sentences of "of a [noun sg] [verb] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They all seek declarations to the following effect : ( a ) that as a matter of law in the case of a prisoner serving a mandatory life sentence the Secretary of State is required to set a period for retribution and deterrence which does not exceed the tariff recommended by the judiciary ; ( b ) that the Secretary of State is required by law to tell the prisoner what period the judiciary have recommended , and the reasons for that recommendation , and also if he has departed from that recommendation to tell the prisoner his reason for doing so ; ( c ) that the prisoner is entitled to be given the opportunity to make representations to the Secretary of State before the tariff is set , and for this purpose to be told of any information upon which the Secretary of State will make his decision which is not in his , the prisoner 's , possession .
2 One possibility being envisaged is the creation of a document giving a detailed description of a sculpture which would accompany the work whenever it was sold .
3 The lowest , most general , and most unambiguously useful level consists in the employment of a computer to perform a humdrum task in less time than would be possible for an unaided human : the search through a text for a quotation , the determination of a word frequency , the construction and analysis of a contingency table , the classification of iconic data .
4 This will normally be wider and higher than the range associated with the valuation since the likelihood of a buyer seeking a subsequent price reduction during the negotiating process will need to be anticipated .
5 Although the later words of section 63(2) provide that the expense incurred in , or in connection with , the provision of a benefit includes a proper proportion of any expense relating partly to the benefit and partly to other matters , I consider that the expenses incurred in provision of places for fee paying pupils were wholly incurred in order to provide those places .
6 It was a picture of a girl wearing a frilly bonnet and long , frilly drawers that reached down below her dress to her ankles .
7 So , for example , natural justice was excluded in licensing decisions ( Nakkuda Ali v. Jayaratne ( P.C. , 1951 ) ) as a licence was a privilege and not a right , and in the case of a board exercising a disciplinary function ( ex p .
8 The technique of getting them to supply the missing dialogue after a silent viewing of a scene provides a good opportunity for you and them to find out what language they have at their command and how flexibly they can use it .
9 ‘ Hysterics , ’ Brassard said , with the air of a specialist making a brilliant diagnosis in front of a first-year medical student .
10 At one point it rises off the ground like a periscope , looking around itself , for a fraction of a second casting a backward eye at us .
11 He died of a second attack a few months later .
12 The person using the system to work out the cost of a building brings a substantial degree of skill by deciding whether the standard prices are applicable , and if not , by building up new prices and entering them into the database .
13 It is not so obviously true where the intervention takes the form essentially of a decision to initiate a single direct action such as closing a particular valve or starting up a stand-by pump .
14 They were piled high with branches and logs , and the very old remains of a bonfire lay a few yards away .
15 This is because it has been assumed ( e.g. by Argyle and Cook , 1976 ) that monitoring the behaviour of a listener involves a certain amount of attention and often increases the speaker 's level of arousal .
16 However , it is frequently used for long distance tows , because there is less of a tendency to get a slack rope during level flight in the low tow position .
17 Startled , she glanced back to find a man clad in the scarlet overalls and white crash helmet of a driver standing a few yards away .
18 Each member of a committee assigned a specific area of work should be encouraged to recruit a small Working Group from outside the committee to help them .
19 The CLAWS team incorporated information about the likelihood of a word belonging a grammatical category into their system in a very gross way — some of the available tags were labelled as being unlikely .
20 The same principles need to extend throughout community care , so that the medical approach to disability becomes just one part of a response involving a whole range of agencies , professions and interests .
21 The regional policies that have been developed , refined and improved in Britain in the past quarter of a century owe a great deal to the foresight of then Prime Minister Harold Macmillan in deciding to send Lord Hailsham , as he is now , to the north-east to make some progress .
22 He stressed that South Korea desired the formation of a Pacific pact analogous to the Atlantic pact ; agreement between the United States and the ROK alone , or with some other nations , for mutual defence against aggressor nations ; and a public declaration by the United States of a pledge to defend a reunited , democratic , independent Korea , in accordance with the policy enunciated in the Truman Doctrine .
23 Semantic cohesiveness is even tighter if the meaning of one of the elements of a collocation requires a particular lexical item in its immediate context ( cases where all the elements are uniquely selective in this way seem not to occur ) .
24 Every repetition of a libel gives a fresh cause of action against the persons responsible for the repetition .
25 Notice that , unlike the accumulator array , where each accumulator had generalized functions , each control register or portion of a register has a specific function , although it is accessed or manipulated by instructions in a general way .
26 The Trunchbull started advancing slow and soft-footed upon Rupert in the manner of a tigress stalking a small deer .
27 You have to think of a nurse tending a sick person in a bed , though there is no real world outside the hospital ward .
28 THE brutal murder of a child leaves a firm trace on the mind of a police officer like an indelible pen .
29 Back at the house , she waited , tense , to see whether he would take his things up to another room , but he said nothing about it , only slid into his bag with a sigh that assuaged her ; it was the sigh of a child finding a safe place .
30 The re-establishment of political order of a kind masked a growing tension in which Sussex inevitably moved to the forefront .
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