Example sentences of "of its [noun] [prep] [art] same " in BNC.

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1 That argument rests on the claim that the universe displays the hand of its Architect in the same way as a human artefact is recognisable as the work of an intelligent designer .
2 In January 1983 , the water content of reservoirs in South Africa had fallen to 50 per cent of its level at the same time last year , and the 1982 maize crop was 40 per cent lower than the record of 40 million tonnes harvested in 1981 .
3 It 's the second incident of its kind on the same stretch of motorway , in two days .
4 In 1991 , the NYOS earned nearly 60 per cent from sponsorship , compared to an average of 41 per cent for youth orchestras , while the SCO raised around 17 per cent of its income from the same source , double the national average of 8 per cent .
5 Now the public may enjoy its stately grandeur and the magnificent flowering trees of its parkland at the same time , perhaps , pondering upon the enterprise and ethics with which the magnificent property was founded .
6 The Society for the Propagation of Christian Knowledge asked him to report on the work of its schools at the same time .
7 The Society for the Propagation of Christian Knowledge asked him to report on the work of its schools at the same time .
8 The accepted wisdom that bulk car manufacturers buy exclusive marques ( Chrysler and Lamborghini , et cetera in the hope of garnering reflected glory is misplaced : any benefit that might accrue to the Escort by dint of its coming from the same stable as the Virage would be heavily outweighed by the damage done to the Virage by the Escort .
9 If however each of the enterprises achieves more than two thirds of its turnover within the same single member state , then the merger does not come under the Regulation .
10 It is unlikely a team will get all the details of its programme at the same time as the call to the work .
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