Example sentences of "the [noun prp] from [noun sg] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Secretary of State may not increase the NNDR from year to year by more than the increase in the Retail Price Index .
2 Easterners taking the S-Bahn from Friedrichstrasse to Zoologischer Garten , for shopping trips to the Europa Center or the KaDeWe department store , still speak of drüben ( over there ) .
3 It was formed by altering the topographical aspect of the land immediately north of the River Welland and the running figure of the Bull from east to west across the town is reminiscent of a Cretan bull cult fresco at the Palace of Minos at Knossos or the same period .
4 It became clear too , that El Niño coincides with a fall in the trade wind , normally blowing across the Pacific from east to west ( from America to Asia ) , a fall known as the ‘ Southern Oscillation ’ .
5 All in watercolour , they illustrate a specific theme , ‘ the Liffey from source to sea . ’
6 I meet representatives from the CBI from time to time to discuss a broad range of issues .
7 Nevertheless , they do consult the I-Ching from time to time .
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