Example sentences of "the [noun prp] have [vb pp] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Now he was into jazz because he 'd heard that the Yuppies had hijacked it after Clint Eastwood 's film on Charlie Parker , and had moved back a decade to the late ‘ forties .
2 The two men knew that the USSR had matched them in nuclear terms , believed that the Soviets could help to extricate America from the ‘ unwinnable ’ Vietnam war , and hoped to deal with Russia on rational , balance-of-power terms instead of the ideological rivalry of the past .
3 The Shah had imagined it as a modern version of the Congress of Vienna of 1815 , where the rulers of the world could meet and discuss matters of great import .
4 But as minister of finance under Zahedi he had become too well known for negotiating the new agreement with the oil companies , and so the Shah had exiled him to the Washington embassy .
5 Even so , striking on or soon after January 15th would help Mr Bush underline , for the benefit of critics at home and abroad , the clear legal authority the UN has given him for military action .
6 The FA have staggered me with their incompetence .
7 Souness has just heard that the SFA have banned him from sitting at the touchline for the remainder of the season , and yet again the tabloid press has pushed his tolerance beyond the limit .
8 Endill presumed it was the box of questions the Bookman had told him about .
9 The land in question was in that part of northern Zawiya which is called Mannaia , and it seems beyond doubt that the Mannaia had granted it to the Sanusi order in the 1870s .
10 To begin with , the Gnomes thought it a fine idea to be part of the traditional Fidchell and Bith of the Bog-Hat told how the Wolfkings had played it during the Winter Solstice with solid gold figures studded with ivory and pearl , which the Gnomes always had the supplying of .
11 Others in the FLNC had attributed them to anti-nationalist elements in Corsica linked to the ( Gaullist ) Rally for the Republic ( RPR ) and the Left Radical Movement ( MRG ) .
12 Michoacán had witnessed months of demonstrations and protests by supporters of the Party of the Democratic Revolution ( PRD ) , who claimed that the PRI had cheated them of victory in the July 12 state elections [ see pp. 39000-01 ] .
13 I AM ready for death in this DOMINION he 'd written , if I know that the Unbeheld has used me as His INSTRUMENT .
14 The Eladeldi had dragged her from the steps into an alley , shoved her against a wall and searched her .
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