Example sentences of "the [adv] important [noun pl] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He was involved in the most important questions of policy — negotiations for the marriage of royal children : Eleanor in 1170 and John in 1173 But in view of Eleanor of Aquitaine 's masterful political activity in later years it seems superfluous to look for a power behind the throne .
2 Do all Englishmen say the most important things in Latin ? ’
3 One of the most important changes in pub design during this period was in the plan .
4 The most extreme changes in an article which I have experienced involved alterations to the title and summary and major changes within the article itself , including making the most important tables into text .
5 BACS is undoubtedly one of the most important developments in payment systems and should be considered by all businesses .
6 The work of the German sociologist Max Weber ( 1864–1920 ) represents one of the most important developments in stratification theory since Marx .
7 But concentrating all attention on the pus cells , as researchers have done for the past 20 years , is perhaps to miss the most important elements of process .
8 As Gramsci points out ( 1971 : 260 ) , ‘ the bourgeois class poses itself as an organism in continuous movement , capable of absorbing the whole society , assimilating it to its own cultural and economic level ’ , and this would-be universalizing push provides one of the most important elements in music history of the last two hundred years .
9 And one of the most important functions of information dynamics is precisely to link a sentence to its environment in a manner which allows the information to flow through the text in the desired manner .
10 For example , one of the most important functions of cleft and pseudo-cleft structures in English ( discussed under predicated and identifying theme , section ) is to signal information status .
11 For in such a state by far the most important conditions of production and consumption , of exchange and distribution will remain of the same quality , and in the same general relations to one another , though they are all increasing in volume .
12 In all the most important affairs of life , liberty remained for him what it had been for the last thirty years , a state of will which could not depart from rectitude .
13 Then he began to see that friendship and love , shown to our marriage partner , our friends and to God himself , are ultimately the most important dimensions of life .
14 A 1982 report to the Toronto Board of Education noted that a sense of identity and self-respect were the most important by-products of teaching heritage languages .
15 Most Christians would claim that the celebration of the Eucharist is one of the most important moments within Christianity , both in its beginnings at the Last Supper and in the life of the Church today .
16 The most important incentives for Field Chairs are thus the opportunity to exercise some control over the educational context within which their subject is taught ; the challenge of defending the interests of their discipline ; the opportunity to develop expert knowledge of the course structure and regulations through participation in debate ; and the advantage of administrative experience for career development .
17 The most important users of agency workers are establishments in the banking , insurance , finance and business services sector , again a result supporting the findings of our LFS analysis , and these are particularly concentrated in the business services sub-sector where agencies themselves are located .
18 For example , Almond cites the bureaucracy as ‘ one of the most important sources of legislation ’ and as dominant in rule-making in non-Western societies ( Almond and Coleman 1960 , p. 17 ) .
19 This is one of the most important sources of water quality problems .
20 Some of the most important sources of friction between the marketing department and other departments are as indicated below .
21 Coins are one of the most important sources of information from which archaeologists and historians can try to interpret the past .
22 Bibliographies are the most important sources of information for book selection , and a close understanding of their functions is essential — especially for stock revision .
23 These representatives corresponded regularly and sometimes very frequently with the governments for which they acted ; from the early sixteenth century onwards their despatches and reports , preserved in the official archives which were now beginning to be formed , are one of the most important sources of information available to the historian .
24 The belief that sport was character forming was adopted from the public schools and achievement in sport became one of the most important sources of status in elementary school life …
25 Figure 5.19 shows the most important sources of energy and their origins-the Sun , the Earth and the Moon .
26 The most important statutes concerning consumer affairs include the following :
27 On a par with their conception of social revolution , the FMLN sees taking power in health as a complex process where organized communities rather than individuals are the most important agents of change and empowerment .
28 One of the most important constraints on food production in Africa is lack of person-power in the rural areas .
29 One of the most important areas of credit management is risk assessment , not only looking at the individual customer companies concerned , but also at the current financial background in which they operate .
30 Course measuring , which has been one of the most important areas of work in road racing over the past few years , has certainly not suffered for want of funding . ’
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