Example sentences of "the [noun pl] have [adv] [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The courts have however been prepared to confine the visitor to his proper role as a judge of the internal affairs of the foundation by the use of the writs of prohibition and mandamus .
2 The courts have also been willing to apply the rules to various licensing decisions on the ground that the applicant had a legitimate expectation of being granted a hearing .
3 The courts have also been reluctant to find a breach of a duty of care on the part of the Prison Department , even when the health of a prisoner is at issue .
4 The courts have recognised that , whilst contracts in the first category , even though on standard terms , may be unobjectionable , very different criteria apply to those in the second category , and in modern times the courts have generally been vigilant to prevent the abuse of contracts of adhesion by parties with stronger market power , especially in the context of " consumer " dealings .
5 In the past , the courts have often been hostile to exclusion clauses , particularly those drawn in wide terms which seek to negate all liabilities of the party relying on the clause .
6 And the Germans have always been excellent at map-reading .
7 Security for the Russians had better be good . ’
8 The Russians have apparently been impressed by the cars ' reliablity .
9 The ties have always been close and have become stronger during the long years of friendship and co-operation .
10 In Type I disease , the calves have usually been set-stocked in one area for several moths ; in contrast , Type II disease often has a typical history of calves being grazed on a field from spring to mid-summer , then moved and brought back to the original field in the autumn .
11 The insurers have also been reluctant to underwrite non-medical forms of care outside the hospital sector .
12 This new exhibition area is the first stage of the Nuovi Uffizi complex , which has been subject to delays even though the funds have long been available .
13 The challenge of the reformers had been one great reality but the showmen had always been aware of the other reality and that was that very large numbers of ordinary people , and that included the rich and the poor and people from all nations , were fascinated by moving pictures .
14 The Scots had never been parochial in their cultural self-perceptions .
15 The VNODD as well as the communists had already been involved in fomenting strikes but on the whole they do not seem to have attached themselves to any cause other than nationalism and , while they were particularly active in attempting to subvert the army , when they finally and out of desperation , having been heavily penetrated by the Sûreté , attempted to begin their armed struggle , many of the Vietnamese riflemen in the battalion , which was induced to mutiny , rallied instead to their French officers .
16 Local elections confirmed the trend and their historian has interpreted them as showing that " by 1913 , the Conservatives had rarely been stronger in the Councils of the land , or indeed more poised for success in the forthcoming general election " .
17 The deaths in police custody of a number of detainees over the years have also been controversial .
18 They were willing to tie wages to output by various systems of ‘ piecework ’ , which seem to have spread during our period , and to point out that the workers had best be thankful to have work at all , since there was a large reserve army outside , waiting for their jobs .
19 The upholstery of the seats had once been crimson : it had faded to a faint red glow , balding , springs occasionally exposed .
20 The American budget has not been harmed , and the Republicans have even been able to fight off ‘ peace dividend ’ talk while relaunching some of their cherished defence projects such as the immensely costly B-2 warplane .
21 One criterion ignored by both critics is that of euphony , although its relevance to the Sonnets has long been clear .
22 Financially , the implications have also been unpalatable .
23 The degree of involvement in the reviews has generally been high , nearly half the teachers feeling very involved , a further third fairly involved , and only 5 per cent feeling not involved at all .
24 It is hoped that the changes have also been important to the disabled people who are now involved in the work of the project ; all of the quotes which appear in this chapter are theirs .
25 In the past 300 years alone , the nation has experienced industrialization , the advent of democracy , and the introduction and growth of the welfare state — yet the changes have never been such as to be described as revolutionary .
26 But what in the case of the academics has simply been misleading , for a reigning queen was to have profound and ultimately disastrous political consequences .
27 For some farmers and landowners the major impact of the newcomers has therefore been political rather than social , for their arrival in the village has ensured that landownership is no longer the automatic passport to the political domination of the countryside that it was once considered to be .
28 And if they have been on the market the terms have often been unreasonable , with little attempt made to advertise them .
29 But the Americans have only been able to perform this leadership role because other people are paying , without demanding control of the operation .
30 The Americans have long been eager for the Japanese to help Latin America 's economies , and mused that the Europeans might want to shoulder a degree of responsibility for Africa .
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