Example sentences of "the [noun pl] have [verb] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 The times had called for a certain mood but it was the genius of American cinema that it could harness the talents of actors and actresses whose every word and gesture rooted the films in the society for which they had been produced .
2 But in picking melees ( mixtures ) of medium-quality gems between a fifth and half a carat the kidnappers had gone for an area of the trade that is almost uncontrollable .
3 The researchers have looked for a specific decay of the proton , namely into a positron and a neutral pi-meson ( n ) .
4 What little sympathy the authorities had shown for the advance of enlightenment came to an end .
5 It was true that there were now ‘ whole chanceries ’ of paperwork in the offices of village-Soviet secretaries , but most of the secretaries had worked for the volost' in the Tsarist regime and were somewhat suspect .
6 According to Ms Leith , the designers have gone for a ‘ serious and conventional restaurant ’ look ‘ which will not frighten members with too much yuppie jazzdom ’ , but which is also fun — ‘ witty , modern and stylish enough to encourage them to come ’ .
7 The Scots had compensated for the lack of indigenous wealth by developing a tradition , over the previous century and a half , of regarding themselves as far more powerful , more important , more interesting than their remote geographic position and comparative poverty actually entitled them to be .
8 The inquiry had heard forensic details of each individual death but as Mark Smith reports the parents had hoped for a great deal more .
9 In Birmingham , the dealers have gathered for the 11th British Antiques Fair ( Thursday to the following Wednesday ) , while over the Border , there is still time to catch Pen Panting 's second one-man show , at the Glasgow Print Studio .
10 A week later , when the workers had to vote for the new Committee , most of the women voted for Karen .
11 The house was empty and quiet , all the guests having left for the day .
12 The officials had opted for the more prestigious Royal Mail charge , rather than the more tenuous one of murder of the post-boy .
13 What other advantages may the managers have seen for a car assembly industry near Liverpool ?
14 To that end , the organisers have opted for a less familiar face of Francis Bacon and tracked down rare and unusual material as well as pictures of great significance .
15 The generators have to bid for the right to supply electricity to the National Grid , the central player in the system .
16 When the man had had his face washed ( by stella ) and been given a drink , and one of the barmen had called for a taxi , Mother got right up and got on the stage and told Gary she was ready for her song now .
17 The Americans have opted for a less ambitious three-way split .
18 The Finns have asked for an armistice , and the war there is over . ’
19 Over 50 per cent of the population of many US cities are now ethnic ‘ majorities ’ — the whites having left for the outer suburban areas .
20 Instead of preserving the statistics-and-dice method of combat , the programmers have opted for a tacky arcade sequence featuring blocky , sluggish sprites and no skill at all .
21 The inhabitants of the closes and the tenements had headed for the high ground , leaving the trams and turmoil behind for the mist , the heather , and a good brew-up in the but and ben .
22 The tickets have gone the tickets have gone for the er the Phil Kelsall concert you can get them on the door four quid on the night a week on Friday at eight o'clock at the er Alfreton Leisure Centre but our complimentary tickets have gone , long long gone .
23 Any one of the above features could result in a person being labelled schizophrenic , providing some other criteria are met , such as the symptoms having lasted for a certain length of time .
24 It established a capitalist economy , produced urban migration and left women doing the men 's work as well as their own in areas where the men had departed for the cities .
25 The police had apologized for the incident as if they were personally to blame , their apologies becoming even more profuse as they told her that , without a number plate ( which she had been unable to remember ) to trace , there was little chance of them finding the car , let alone the driver .
26 The children had stood for a moment , awestruck in the hall , as she had hoped they might , amazed at the broad stone staircase , the hanging lantern and the dark portraits of who ?
27 She clung to the picture of Mrs Rundle at home , for she had been a part of her home and the children had moored for a short while in the black harbour of her lap .
28 The adventurers have to head for the hill , but as they do it appears that the grey trees begin to grow and spread up the hillside .
29 The middle classes would serve sour cheap wine but exotic foods and the band would eat whatever the guests ate , but not for long : the hosts having paid for the band to play , not to eat .
30 Most of the Dutch-Belgians had fought for the Emperor and still wore the Emperor 's uniforms .
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