Example sentences of "the [noun pl] [vb pp] [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But the whole drift of events was towards a widening and consolidation of the immunities claimed by diplomats in the performance of their duties .
2 Just as there are many degree courses which have no specific vocational links so also there are many careers which require the application of intelligence and the disciplines learned during time at university rather than specific subject knowledge .
3 But in addition to imposing duties on LEAs , a major feature of the Act , the regulations made under it , and the Circulars issued in respect of it , is an emphasis on securing parental involvement .
4 From conversations , like this , with Afro-Caribbean pupils it appears that many see a conflict with teachers as an inevitable response to the attitudes held by teachers towards their ethnicity .
5 studies of the attitudes held by supervisors towards their subordinates revealed that the men in charge of high-production groups were more employee-oriented ( ie intent on promoting their welfare ) .
6 Messrs Deakins and Hussain have certainly provided an unusual and , in many ways , provocative survey on the attitudes taken by banks towards small business customers , and in drawing their main conclusions , concentrate on the most important factors relating to risk analysis .
7 If prose is the lower medium , then the movement up to verse is a movement to a higher rank , and can be described in terms of the rituals known in anthropology as rites of passage .
8 In the most important cases these binary operations will satisfy several of the analogues of the axioms postulated for Z in Section 1.2 .
9 This requires that the accounts sent to members under section 238 shall be sent not less than 28 days before the end of the period allowed for laying and delivery of them and shall be accompanied by notice of their right to require them to be laid before a general meeting .
10 Thus , the accounts offered by respondents of their experience , their conditions of life , etc. were taken as indicative of a fairly static fabric called the " social structure " .
11 To some extent , therefore , the Pactus Legis Salicae and the Lex Ribvaria resemble the Liber Constitutionum of the Burgundians issued by Sigismund in 517 , for without question this last text includes a number of royal edicts .
12 The end product of phenomenological research is an understanding of the meanings employed by members of society in their everyday life .
13 The exchanges in the Joint Commission again ended in deadlock and this marked the termination of the discussions set in train at the Moscow conference .
14 That is to say , the variation is not necessarily patterned in one single linguistic dimension ( for example , it does not necessarily move in a single phonetic direction : it may diverge in two or more directions ) , nor does it necessarily display a unilinear or unidirectional pattern in terms of any independent ‘ social ’ variable : on the contrary , the patterns shown in relation to different social variables may conflict and interact in a variety of ways .
15 The estates varied in size from a few units in piecemeal developments to 30 or 40 plots on well serviced , carefully planned schemes .
16 Queueing for the Chuckwagon ; queueing for the freezer-van ; queueing for the toilets installed by WC in Fields Ltd .
17 This group distributed leaflets to the Raybestos workers warning of the dangers posed by exposure to asbestos , leafleting both in the morning and the evening to catch the different shifts .
18 In our approach to those negotiations , we have been guided by the views expressed in debates in the House .
19 After six years of litigation , the courts decided in favour of the Aube growers and , in 1927 , a new law quashed the deuxième designation once and for all , outlining a detailed list of communes eligible for the appellation Champagne ( see Appendix IV ) , the broad outlines of which are still in existence today .
20 The movements of wintering birds and passage migrants clearly overlap , but the records suggest that comparatively few of the birds recorded from August to October and in April stay for any length of time .
21 Police found the birds wrapped in sacks in the boot of John Darker 's Car when he was stopped in Cambridgeshire .
22 Identical flasks containing cell suspension , 5 mM glucose , and 0.1 mM 5-ASA were therefore prepared and the reactions stopped by centrifugation at time intervals ranging from 0 to 120 minutes .
23 Scattered throughout Poulantzas ' studies of the phases of capitalism are appeals to the strategies adopted by classes in order to realise their interests .
24 The great strength of the Faculty is in fundamental research into areas of applicable science and the projects conducted by staff in the Faculty receive an outstanding measure of financial support from Government Research Councils and charitable trusts .
25 After having the proposals deferred in January of this year , the matter again came before the committee on September 15 and after a lengthy speech from the Chairman of the Airfield Research Group , along with various other expert witnesses , the committee voted in favour of listing RAF Hullavington as a conservation area .
26 The cases offered for discussion in the book are both realistic and relevant , as the authors have consulted widely with nurses in clinical practice .
27 The hunters received on average about US$5 for each dolphin , and the dolphins were all processed at the nearby factory .
28 The value of the various ranks in the service was not , however , a uniform one , for the rewards varied in accordance with the importance of the trade passing through the port , and the differences in salary were substantial .
29 So far , the personnel mentioned in relation to ward teaching are those with little or no specific preparation for it .
30 The norms associated with hygiene in the home and in public places reflect a concern for human life .
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