Example sentences of "the [noun pl] [prep] [adj] [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The statement of the relevant facts and evidence are commonly set out at the beginning of the judgment , but in appellate courts they may be incorporated by reference to the judgments of lower courts and may be in the middle of the report of the case if that is where the principal judgment appears .
2 After the expiry of the Palestine mandate entrusted to Britain at the 1920 San Remo conference , the state of Israel , founded in May 1948 and since then cherished and sustained by jews all over the world , entered the state of war with its Arab neighbours which has persisted ever since , further stimulated by the activities of Palestinian militants and their sympathizers both in the occupied territories and farther afield .
3 In this respect England 's relations with Brittany were likely to be of great importance , not only for the positive reason that a friendly duke of Brittany would allow the use of his duchy as a stepping-off place into the mainland , but for the negative one that a hostile duke might cause untold harm to English maritime interests , both military and commercial , by failing to stop the activities of Breton pirates and privateers whose ships gave much trouble at sea , as complaints in Parliament and in some of the political literature of the time , notably The Libelle of Englyshe Polycye , testify .
4 The fact that more sites have been identified as time passes shows that archaeological distribution maps only depict the activities of individual archaeologists or field societies up to any particular date , rather than the total picture of deserted medieval villages !
5 The government has also announced the setting up of a special commission to coordinate the activities of Russian ministries and organizations in protecting the ozone layer .
6 At a time when Western governments have proved slow to inject cash into the countries of the former Eastern block , the activities of cultural organisations and foundations such as the Getty Grant Program and the Soros projects are providing a lifeline for the artists and academics of the region .
7 This change has been brought about by the activities of prescriptive grammarians and educators , not — as the Harvard account implies — by some mysterious property of the language itself .
8 The paucity of available evidence concerning the foundation of the institution and the activities of the early Muftis means that one can hope to do no more than to draw reasonable inferences from the little evidence that does exist ; and some of what can be said about these problems involves a projection backward from the activities of later Muftis and will therefore be considered in greater detail in later sections .
9 Today the activities of 9,000 students and 1,000 staff are accommodated not only in the parkland campus of 330 acres surrounding the Trent Building but also within the adjacent Medical School and University Hospital and in the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences some 10 miles to the south .
10 The disciplines for Educational Studies and that area of it concerned with teacher education ( Tibble , 1966 ) .
11 Even when the forms of such things as halberds or hoe-blades were rendered in jade they were too delicate for functional use .
12 On a more general level , the treatment of the figures in terms of simple , angular shapes or planes arranged in shallow depth foreshadows some of the later techniques which Picasso and Braque evolved to suggest the forms of solid objects and their relationship to the space around them .
13 All of these designs appear to show a common taste for a specific type of geometric ideal ( often the forms of interlaced squares and saltires are joined — in an all-over pattern — as in the pavement from Broad Street , London : pI .
14 ‘ For years we had been trying to lower and streamline the bonnets of front-engined cars and the mid-engined configuration allowed us to obtain an extremely low nose , deeply recessed between sculpted front wings that sloped down to the headlights , which were contained in a plexiglass fairing to continue the line .
15 is that basically erm you you go and work as a dogsbody and erm graduates are allowed to take the exams within two years and and you 'd probably have to go on night school thing or something
16 This I feel sure , would change the attitudes of such players and make Seles in particular realise her responsibilities .
17 During the 1970s there was a major swing in the attitudes of many economists and politicians .
18 Mary Marshall explores the ways in which the attitudes of professional workers and even older people themselves reveal a poor image of old age .
19 Er we 've been in , ten years in this shop and er , for those ten years I have experienced a lot of er difference in the attitudes of Muslim women as well .
20 At Christmas they always played ‘ You came down from the stars ’ and at Easter they usually played a Pastorale , and what with the roar of the traffic and the crowds of chattering shoppers or tourists it was practically impossible to distinguish the tune except in short bursts .
21 But the words masked the meaning and reality from the crowds of fallen men and angels who were awaiting the final denouement .
22 While it is helpful for family members to gain a basic understanding of the illness of the primary sufferer , by going to occasional " open " meetings of a Fellowship for primary sufferers , so as to under-stand the disease concept and help to heal the blame and resentment that characterise active addictive family relationships , it is not helpful for family members to become regular attenders at the Fellowships for primary sufferers unless they themselves are " double winners " and have that primary addictive disease as well as the family disease .
23 In any event he will need to seek the opinions of other doctors and may be well advised to apply to the court for guidance , as recommended by Lord Templeman in a different context in In re B. ( A Minor ) ( Wardship : Sterilisation ) [ 1988 ] A.C. 199 , 205–206 .
24 These cars once graced the highways of mid-America and cruised the strips of countless towns and cities across the United States .
25 The narrow , hot streets dinned with the silver bray of trumpets and the shrieks of dying men and women .
26 She made a show of welcoming Rain , her words lost in the shrieks of two girls as their skirts blew high .
27 In summary they proposed that : the C & AG should have the right to audit the accounts of all bodies that were substantially supported from public monies , including nationalized industries and private sector companies ; that , for England and Wales , the ( then ) district audit service should be transferred from the Department of the Environment to the C & AG , with similar arrangements for Scotland ; and that the audit of health authorities should likewise be transferred to the C & AG .
28 Nor have I referred to the minor changes made to the 1987 regulations in 1990 and 1991 , which have already been applied in the accounts of most societies and will be familiar to their preparers and auditors by now .
29 What Marx was trying to do in constructing the Asiatic system was to reconcile , on the one hand the reports of the strength of the village communities which characterized many of the accounts of Asian villages and which was manifested in their apparent ability to act organically , for example in the close co-operation and mutual reasonableness required in irrigated agriculture , and , on the other hand , a traditional view of the despotism of oriental rulers , a view which dominated European pictures of the Orient , at least since the time of Montesquieu .
30 None of Stotler 's 65,000 customers had lost money when the firm collapsed , because the exchange quickly transferred the accounts to other members and co-operated closely with the CFTC on the case .
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