Example sentences of "the [noun pl] [verb] in the [det] " in BNC.

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1 If the lads continue in the same vein , then we can climb out of trouble .
2 Male workplaces are even more segregated ( 81 per cent of the husbands interviewed in the same survey in 1980 had no colleagues of the opposite sex doing the same type of work ) .
3 In matrimonial law , the courts have recognised that cohabitation may have ceased even where the parties live in the same dwelling , provided that they are no longer ‘ living with each other in the same household . ’
4 The words contained in the former definition of larceny , in section 1 of the Larceny Act 1916 , ‘ without the consent of the owner , ’ have been omitted , and , we have no doubt , deliberately omitted from the definition of theft in the new Act .
5 If not , he argues , players should be able to opt for another country if — like John Gallagher or the Samoans playing in the All Black trials — they want to play at the highest level regardless of country .
6 The ranking produced by the NPV 30 per cent and the yield tables are the same since the rates found in the latter are of the order of the 30 per cent applied in the former .
7 The ranking produced by the NPV 30 per cent and the yield tables are the same since the rates found in the latter are of the order of the 30 per cent applied in the former .
8 The internal social organization of the poets changed in the same period as this specific artistic change .
9 Consider a cube which is disassembled into its pieces and imagine reassembling the pieces so that the outside facelets remain outside and the centres remain in the same relative positions .
10 By an unfortunate twist of fate , Sunderland were to experience the full might of the cousins playing in the same team .
11 Foremost amongst the measures proposed in the latter instance was increased Aboriginal access to land , an issue upon which little progress had been made — with the possible exception of the sparsely populated Northern Territory — and which remained at the heart of much Aboriginal discontent .
12 A chronicle that recorded his reign includes this fascinating footnote to history , ‘ Another law that he made , that wives of common men shall be free to the nobles ; and the Lord of the ground shall have the maidenheads of all the virgins dwelling in the same ’ .
13 Around the frames were hung walls of lath and plaster , with the upper storeys occasionally protected by hung tiles , and the roofs covered in the same materials or , in some cases , with Horsham Slate .
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