Example sentences of "the [noun pl] [verb] a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Certain types of mental illnesses result in a diminished awareness , so that the sufferers are not able to be completely responsible for carrying out the activities to achieve a safe environment .
2 In addition , the activities have a variable delay imposed during their execution to minimise the adverse effect on interactive users of LIFESPAN .
3 The arrangement of the oceans in relation to the continents plays a decisive role in creating and sustaining life on Earth .
4 Within this context the acts represented a high point of sanitary interventionism .
5 The Acts introduced a whole code of procedure , the Rules of the Supreme Court , which in various ways assimilated the Common Law and the Equity procedure , taking the good points of both .
6 Nevertheless , the apparent acceptance of prostitution in the Acts evoked a strong response from feminists , led by Josephine Butler , and from social moralists , which was directed particularly against the state regulation of vice .
7 The Acts include a general clause which says that the corporation should keep proper accounting records and should present its accounts in a form laid down by the relevant Secretary of State .
8 After the greyness and isolation of winter , the crowds seemed a mad profusion of seething colour , all the time moving , all the time talking .
9 The Fellowships have a primary end in themselves in providing the route to sustained abstinence from mood-altering substances and behaviours .
10 There is no universal agreement , for example , that the mid-1970s represented a fundamental break in political attitudes — aspects of the ‘ new ’ capitalism coming from the Conservative party in the mid-1970s can be traced back to Churchill 's administration in the early 1950s ( Raban , 1986 ) .
11 The sub-licensees paid a fixed fee , unrelated to their profits , to the taxpayer in Hong Kong .
12 The change of heart — five months after the clubs rejected a similar deal — was confirmed by league chairman Sir John Quinton in London .
13 Self-interest plays a part but the clubs have a strong case when they argue that if they are to be the mentors to the young , society must help to foot the bill .
14 And what about the right of the clubs to impose a differential payment of fines by players ?
15 Last night the clubs issued a joint statement saying their executive officers had an amicable meeting at which the development plans were discussed .
16 it is a non-adjusting event of such materiality that its non-disclosure would affect the ability of users of the accounts to reach a proper understanding of the financial position
17 For example , the real spending of a department or service might be the same under whatever system of accounting is adopted but in a given year , using cash accounting , the cash payments could be postponed by as little as 24 hours so that the accounts record a lower figure .
18 Where areas have their own separate currencies , the forces revealed in the accounts have a vital bearing on the prospects for exchange rates ; where there are not separate currencies these same forces have a bearing on the prospects for the real economy , including unemployment .
19 ( a ) Do the parties put forward programmes of policies ? ( b ) Do the programmes offer a meaningful choice ? ( c ) Do the winning parties actually implement their programmes and deliver of their mandate once in office ?
20 Do the programmes offer a meaningful choice ?
21 The institutions have an evident interest in maintaining professional standards , possibly backed by quality assurance , while competition also demands continuing development .
22 En route , the slavers make an early sale when Ian and two other prisoners are bought by the master of a galley ship .
23 The Pirates were three down at Humberside before rallying to take the lead but the Seahawks salvaged a 6-6 draw with a late goal by Grant Slater .
24 The Super Sportster Z had won every race it entered and the shareholders go a good dividend .
25 The interests of the shareholders become an objective standard to govern the actions of the directors .
26 In either event , it is argued that the residual rights of the shareholders create an appropriate incentive for them to activate the relevant disciplinary mechanisms .
27 The shareholders enjoy an additional layer of protection with regard to gratuitous payments , in that in order to show that a payment is authorised by the company 's memorandum it will usually be necessary to establish that it is reasonably incidental to the company 's business purposes , in essence , that it is for the company 's benefit , which is an objective question .
28 She began by waking up on the tail-end of absorbing conversations with the white-robed monk who sat on the chair beside her , and it was n't long before the discussions became a full-time activity .
29 In Brian McHale 's model , from the arbitrariness of the signs results an epistemologic anxiety for modernism , which seeks new forms to engage with a problematic , fugitive , but still reachable external reality .
30 Very soon this leads to an arcaded building on the left , the arcades forming a raised dais that is usually home to another flock of pigeons .
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