Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [prep] [adj] long [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Ricky put a hand over Daisy 's , a large rough hand with callouses beneath the base of each long finger from endlessly holding a polo stick .
2 After the twelfth dot , two thirds of the way down the page , the transcript of this long session tails away into blank paper .
3 In the light of this long list of grievances , it was remarkable how slowly the rising took hold .
4 A few yards from the exit of Upper Long Churn Cave and at a lower level is the entrance to Lower Long Churn Cave ; this may also be safely explored , the gloom being diffused by daylight entering a fissure in the roof , to the point where the stream sinking in Upper Long Churn Cave enters in a waterfall after a short journey underground .
5 ABOVE The entrance to Lower Long Churn Cave , looking to Alum Pot
6 The entrance to Upper Long Churn Cave
7 Little by little , however , the force of this long glen beneath the austere greyness of the Five Sisters touched Johnson , and he moved his position from that of first considering the political role of such remoteness , and the opportunities it gave for military strategies and subsequent escapes — Glenshiel had been the scene of a battle fifty-four years earlier in which local Highlanders unsuccessfully reinforced a Spanish invasion force — to being lulled by the sight of so many waters , brooks , burns , and silver rivulets , ‘ which commonly ran with a clear shallow stream over a hard pebbly bottom ’ .
8 The menace of those long gun barrels was sobering .
9 A few yards from the exit of Upper Long Churn Cave and at a lower level is the entrance to Lower Long Churn Cave ; this may also be safely explored , the gloom being diffused by daylight entering a fissure in the roof , to the point where the stream sinking in Upper Long Churn Cave enters in a waterfall after a short journey underground .
10 There is no doubt that the outcome of that long campaign , the Act itself , was a bitter disappointment to working-class radicals .
11 Since the beginning of the century , this relationship has weathered the sometimes stormy waters of the precious metals industry and I 'm sure you will join me in welcoming the re-establishment of this long standing link between Johnnies and JM .
12 The entrance is dry but soon becomes low , developing into a crawl where the stream from Lower Long Churn is admitted .
13 Or make the prospect of that long night any easier .
14 Most buildings have a door exactly in the centre of each long wall , and some have an annexe at one or both ends .
15 Square it up , and measure to the centre of one long side at various points down the pile .
16 The single M paratuberculosis positive non-inflammatory bowel disease colonic mucosal culture in the present study is consistent with a similar situation in the United States , although the number of these long term cultures available for study was , of course , small .
17 The traffic roared and the sun beat , but he remembered January , and shivered with the memory of that long walk .
18 Jacqui opened the envelope , pulled out a document and looked at the sheet for some long time .
19 A diphthong followed by , for instance , the ending -er ( like tower ) creates a triphthong , three vowels merged into the value of one long vowel .
20 Indeed , perhaps inimical to ours , in view of the hostility of such long standing between man and rat .
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