Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [to-vb] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The condition affects the peripheral area of the retina , including the rod cells which help vision in poor light , and can result in progressive ‘ tunnel vision ’ and ‘ night blindness ’ , the inability to see in the dark .
2 The inability to enter into an understanding with them is due to our limitations , our lack of perception as to what we are and what this ‘ world ’ really is .
3 The grounds were that the work which the appellant offered to carry out when he presented himself to Mr. Burt and Mr. Hughes as a qualified accountant ( and the remuneration that he gained the opportunity to earn as a result ) were services to be provided by him as a self-employed fee-earning accountant , and therefore were to be provided neither under a contract of employment nor by virtue of his holding of an office within the meaning of section 16(2) ( c ) of the Theft Act 1968 .
4 The 12 Palestinians were not immediately deported but were given the opportunity to appeal against the order , and on Jan. 23 the government revoked a deportation order against one of five Palestinians from the West Bank .
5 Article 15 of the second directive gives cancellation rights to all individual contracts except those of six months or less and is amended to exempt where the policyholder has had , for example , the opportunity to reflect on the policy terms before contacting the insurer .
6 I am glad to have the opportunity to debate in the House today the White Paper which we published in July this year entitled ’ The Citizen 's Charter ’ .
7 Mount Charlotte Investments , the hotel group , offers the opportunity to invest in a stockbroker .
8 However , with changing attitudes in society , questions are being raised about the morality of denying girls the opportunity to sing in a cathedral choir .
9 Unless Opposition Members are prepared to stand up and pledge that they will meet the costs of every private home , no matter how high and heavy , our proposals for 1993 will overtake most of their objections , and I am grateful to have had the opportunity to respond to the debate .
10 I am grateful to have the opportunity to respond to the debate .
11 The Prince of Wales also cancelled plans to attend Royal Ascot to take the opportunity to recover from the back injury he aggravated at polo on Sunday .
12 What had been happening was an assumption of power on the part of the Vietminh and the demonstration that a communist party could seize the opportunity to capitalize on the power of nationalism at a moment of unparalleled opportunity .
13 Well I 've already said about the bulk transfer Giro , I quite honestly do n't know whether any other option can be given to people , they 've given the option to defer their pension with the Post or their present scheme , transferred it new company scheme or take out er the money and take out a personal pension fund er I suppose there might be a possibility of offering people after a certain number past a certain number of years the opportunity to remain within the fund they 're in but er the contribution and who , who makes a contribution may be a problem , but that 's the only other option I can see .
14 She slipped the newspaper cutting into the top drawer of her bedside chest , then took the opportunity to go for a walk by herself , without Josh .
15 For your evening entertainment you should try to take the opportunity to go to the theatre or enjoy a concert or maybe you would prefer to relax in one of the many wine cellars or bars .
16 IN THE UNITED STATES , citizens are presented with the opportunity to go to the polls at frequent and fixed intervals to elect at national , state , and local levels a host of legislators , executive heads , councilpersons , officials , and even , in some states , judges .
17 As part of their studies , Scottish students will also have the opportunity to participate in a work placement in Germany or Portugal .
18 Two of the prime needs of adolescence , I have found both from my own experience and that of my children , are those for privacy and the opportunity to participate in a subculture .
19 Senior personnel officer Liz Tait said : ‘ People who come to the party always say they have the time of their lives because they can mix with their former workmates and also have the opportunity to participate in a ware sale . ’
20 The opportunity to participate in the Parade on 15 September to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Battle of Britain was a particular honour for the Association .
21 This regulation was exploited by over 1,000 pro-Indian individuals and organizations each applying for the opportunity to participate in the hearings and thereby assist Harper in delaying a vote .
22 You will have the opportunity to participate in the students ' learning processes , for example , through acting as a consultant to a Mini-Enterprise , or through working alongside teachers on the production and delivery of materials and lessons .
23 He considered the opportunity to participate in the project to have tied in well with curriculum trends he had been supporting across the school : This was something I very much wanted to encourage because I have a worry that in spite of everything one does in schools to make children aware of library facilities and how to use them , I think quite a lot of children may still leave school without personally having experienced the whole process of needing to find something out , going to a person who can tell them where to look , going , looking , finding it , and then using it .
24 And the wider community is denied the opportunity to deal with the issue compassionately .
25 A party congress was held on March 3-5 , 1989 , in Duisburg , where the so-called " realists " ( Realos ) were voted into the key posts [ see p. 36531 ] , reflecting the congress 's mood of seizing the opportunity to co-operate with the SPD .
26 WITH Midnight Cowboy in the can , Dustin was given the opportunity to return to the stage in the title role of Jimmy Shine , a Broadway-bound play by his friend Murray Schisgal .
27 For example , someone who has a problem with alcohol may find himself or herself thinking progressively more during the day about the opportunity to drink in the evening .
28 After the emergency , give your child the opportunity to talk about the incident and about any other worries he or she may have .
29 1.8 Staff who experience a violent incident will have the opportunity to talk about the incident with colleagues and managers .
30 Mr Walden says he 's received numerous letters since the Iraqi invasion two months ago , and felt it important to take the opportunity to talk with the people he represents .
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