Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [vb mod] [to-vb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He left four-fifths of his residuary estate to the Royal Society and the remainder to the Society of Chemical Industry , stipulating that the capital should be kept intact and the income used to encourage scientific research .
2 Disease of and damage to the macula , the central area of the retina used to discriminate fine detail , can give rise to these effects and precise information about the child 's eye condition is needed in order to understand the reason for these apparent anomalies .
3 However , serious doubt has been cast on the methodology used to collect this data on extra costs , suggesting that it grossly underestimates the true costs .
4 Ninety five percent of American political scientists are liberal democrats they did n't like that , so they wrote books criticizing congress and saying the president ought to have more power .
5 This in turn depends upon the criterion used to establish left handedness .
6 And the surround used to have nice fancy work round you know to make it so it would n't stand on the table cos me mother bought one of those because it used to be a bit dangerous on the table if you knocked it you see and
7 At one time villages had to be more self-sufficient and the village used to have more shops and trades than there are now .
8 The heir ought to redeem pledged lands left by legacy or trust , especially when the testator knew of their condition or , had he known , would have bequeathed you something else of equal value .
9 The means the Court used to reach that result are open to question .
10 That used to be with er a piece of net in and across the top used to have two piece of wire , one way , and two piece the other and you catch a crab open the crab open and they used to put the crab between there and the whelks used to feed on the crab and then when you pulled it out , they all went to the bottom of the net .
11 The metal used to make hot water pipes .
12 In printed tables , even the comma used to subdivide large numbers into groups of three digits is often replaced with advantage by a small gap .
13 And other schools in the area used to use this facility as well as well as we did .
14 This would be obvious from the birth certificate if unchanged ; and if , as has been proposed , an amended certificate has been granted , the code used to signal this fact would alert the registrar .
15 The Motion Pictures Experts Group standard is the method used to convert analogue signals to digital through compression ; Microware 's technology provides the means for then decoding MPEG files , be it from optical , magnetic and RAM disks or from local and wide area networks .
16 The method used to spin both types was the same , a short whip of string or leather about eighteen inches in length was wound around the top which was then placed upright on the ground and steadied with one finger .
17 In public health , this was the method used to establish that cigarette-smoking is a major cause of lung cancer , and it was also the key technique used to identify some of the factors involved in the spread of HIV infection .
18 The analyst ought to have sufficient time available to be able to adopt a critical approach to the task .
19 " There 's quite a good wooden quay , and I should imagine the army used to have heavy stores sent by water sometimes — certainly in the earlier days of the training establishment , before the motor lorry was as big as it is now .
20 Furthermore , they tend not to maintain a clear distinction between the speaker 's intended meaning on the one hand , and the message used to convey that meaning to a listener on the other .
21 The principle used to have particular importance in relation to damage caused by straying livestock but there is now a specific statutory rule in Animals Act 1971 , s. 7 .
22 Well I think the public ought to have more interests in these things that are happening in Nottingham .
23 The Minister ought to rephrase that remark .
24 The Minister ought to accept this group of amendments in principle on ethical grounds and I am sure that he will do so .
25 But those about to leave the damp and wintry British Isles for sunnier climes could do well to reflect on just two products from one of ICI 's most successful businesses which derive , ultimately , from salt deposits found beneath the Cheshire countryside and the technology used to extract useful materials from it .
26 The left used to have two ways to amplify its voice at the party conference .
27 There a chemist who had recently worked for a company involved in the manufacture of submarine telephone cables recognised its similarity to gutta percha — the material used to sheathe such cables .
28 Proceeds from the sale of the two-acre plot will be kept in perpetuity , with the interest used to provide extra health services for Teesdale residents , he said .
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