Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [vb past] [pn reflx] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In his ecstasy , the worshipper saw himself as a satyr and " as a satyr , in turn , he saw his god " .
2 The wizard pulled himself across the floor , painfully , and whispered , ‘ What the hell was that ? ’
3 In winter the chestnut-seller installed himself at the edge of the market .
4 The gang helped themselves to a video , leather jacket , private letters plus bits and pieces to the tune of £1,000 before fleeing .
5 he sez they went to several addresses but then the driver surrendered himself at the police station .
6 The mandarin excused himself with a nervous smile and moved quickly away across the antechamber to talk with a group of French officials .
7 What passed for reality on the discworld reasserted itself with a rush of sound .
8 The mathematician propelled himself towards the prone figure some yards away .
9 Away from the island the wind converted itself into a westerly and we were surfing at ten knots even with two slabs in the main and the genoa furled to almost nothing .
10 The DUC disassociated itself from the arson and monkeywrenching , and remained independent of the and-nuclear movement .
11 He noted the rapid , undignified scramble by which the culprit extricated himself from the ropes on the river path , followed by ominous little trickles of loose earth ; and the exaggerated dignity with which he compensated as soon as he was clear , his slender back turned upon the voice that blasted him out of danger , his crest self-consciously reared in affected disregard of sounds which could not possibly be directed at him .
12 The barman reinstalled himself behind the jump and enquired after my pleasure .
13 The horse hurt himself on the first jump and despite leading for much of the way round never really mastered the race .
14 Thus it was that at 6 30 the same barely-to-bed morning the column found itself outside the newsagent 's in Aycliffe , joined shortly afterwards by the ebullient Edgar .
15 The image of ‘ basket power ’ possessed by women cooperators was a formidable and persistent one , and the guild applied itself to the task of arousing women to a sense of this leverage .
16 The girl pulled herself from the mattress and stood with one hand on her hip , in an aggressive pose .
17 The planners , the Planning Committee , and the Council found themselves at the centre of the great deal of public agitation in which the reputation of the Council sank to a very low level .
18 In the Manse the household occupied themselves with the task of preparing a feast fit for the assembled lords .
19 Coun Brady said his action would be similar to that taken after MP Douglas Fairbairn 's outburst at the weekend and said the committee disassociated itself with the remarks .
20 The boy found himself in a peculiar position .
21 The should of slow labouring footsteps could be heard moving along the first-floor landing as the boy threw himself into the kitchen and slammed the door behind him .
22 The old man swayed gently on his haunches , then , as the boy threw himself to the left , moved effortlessly across , fending off the child with his palms , using the least force possible to achieve his end .
23 As a result , almost as soon as Israel tried to suppress the Uprising with curfews , blockades and violent policing , the community organized itself along the lines the popular movement had already prescribed .
24 The coroner busied himself around the house .
25 The author disguised herself as an eighty-year old and reports considerable discrimination in shops and on public transport which disappeared when she returned to the same situations in her normal persona .
26 Hiding at ninth on the bill , beneath stars like Wet Wet Wet and The Christians , the band found themselves on a remake of The Beatles ' ‘ Sergeant Pepper ’ , called , with a high degree of originality , ‘ Sergeant Pepper Knew My Father ’ .
27 Then the leader introduced himself as an inspector from the Department of Health , and his colleague as from Trade and Industry .
28 Through this attempt the Restoration lent itself to a repetition of the earlier struggle between King and Commons .
29 In Prussia the crisis manifested itself in a variety of ways .
30 When the plaintiff presented himself at the theatre , the defendant , who was X 's servant and manager of the theatre , detected the plaintiff and refused to admit him .
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