Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [verb] its [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 The pamphlet began its argument for the dependence of harmony and order on the recognition of man 's true nature by distinguishing man from other animals .
2 The traditional short-cut of pouring boiling water into the seed-drill acknowledges its need for warmth .
3 In 1909 Margaret Llewelyn Davies gave evidence to a royal commission on divorce law reform , and the Guild began its advocacy for divorce on the same terms as men .
4 Responsibility was formally passed over to TEC in February 1977 , and the Council established its committee for art and design education ( DATEC ) late that year under the chairmanship of Mr David Carter .
5 After examination the Council confirms its grant for the previous year which until the accounts are received remains provisional .
6 To coincide with the study 's publication , the council renewed its call for the Data Protection Act to be amended to enable individuals to see any file on them kept by the league .
7 How then did the RHA develop its plan for closure ?
8 The exposition extends its sympathy for both the younger and the older Wells , and good sense is lavished on the borderline books between — uneasy but stimulating mixtures like When the Sleeper A wakes and A Modern Utopia .
9 Since this was Keith Jones ' last committee meeting , the committee expressed its gratitude for the valuable contributions he had made to the committee .
10 They begged Rytasha for reimbursement , but none was forthcoming , and for the want of a few hundred pounds the village lost its crop for the year .
11 The Group extended its support for the arts during 1992 , in particular sponsoring the revival of Xerxes at the English National Opera and the Royal Academy of Arts ' Summer Exhibition in London , which is the premier event of its type in the UK .
12 Last year the Group cut its dividend for the first time since it became a quoted company in 1970 , but this year analysts expect the dividend to be held at last year 's figure , with Pilkington digging into reserves in order to fend off the resulting loss of confidence .
13 The group started its search for a consolidation package in early 1991 .
14 As I am aware that to remove it from its present location would leave an unwelcome gap in your own display , may I suggest that , if you are willing to lend it , we supply you with a full-size mounted or framed photograph of the original to take its place for the duration of our exhibition ?
15 Instead of examining the truth of his charge that Pakistan deface the ball to increase its swing for Wasim Akram and Waqar Younis , they attack Lamb 's motives for speaking out .
16 These circulars , therefore , provided the DES with the evidence to substantiate its concern for the curriculum and the need to arrive at a national framework , presumably to correct the faults it saw .
17 The Assembly declared its concern for communication in all its aspects , including the ethical , social , political and economic implications of the use of the mass media .
18 Now they are intent upon capturing the Conscience to use its influence for their own ends .
19 British Defence policy , unlike her grand strategy , is written , re-written , written about and debated annually in the Defence White Papers , in which the government of the day makes its case for military expenditure for the coming year .
20 In December 1990 , the Commission amended its Proposal for a Fifth Directive as part of a general policy of eliminating obstacles to takeover bids .
21 As the economy grew its need for raw materials and markets expanded , and the Asian continent could offer both of these .
22 An information bit shot out , a note to remind the AI to cast its vote for The Parking Lottery when the Rodney ballots were fed through .
23 Secondly , the extreme resistance of the egg in the environment ensures its persistence for several years .
24 The Federation of Venezuelan Workers ( CTV ) had demanded a halt to large-scale redundancies in the public sector , and by February 1991 was predicting mass demonstrations and strikes if the government rejected its claim for a 45 per cent wage increase and for a minimum wage equivalent to $188 per month .
25 On May 8 the government approved its budget for 1991 totalling ID13,935,000 million ( approximately US$44,000 million ) which placed special emphasis on reconstruction .
26 In June the government presented its budget for fiscal 1990/91 which projected a total outlay of taka140,000 million with estimated revenue receipts set at just over taka75,627 million and revenue expenditure at taka73,000 million .
27 At the same time the Abbey raised its rate for borrowers of more than £60,000 from 12.95 to 13.9 per cent .
28 For example , it is not widely known that there were turntables at both Bishop 's Castle and Stretford Bridge in the line 's early years , though they seem to have been little used and the railway gained its reputation for unusual working practices right from the start .
29 In a statement on July 22 , the organization renewed its call for an interim government , first made in the Harare Declaration of August 1989 [ see p. 36837 ] .
30 To Welford Beaton the great weakness of the movie industry was that it had been ‘ born without reasoning faculties ’ and had failed subsequently to develop any : since birth , he suggested , the industry had ‘ allowed the box-office to do its thinking for it ’ .
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