Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [verb] a long [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The base had a long history as home to the packers , as well as medical and catering units .
2 The basic rule is that if the second syllable of the verb contains a long vowel or diphthong , or if it ends with more than one consonant , that second syllable is stressed .
3 " The grave seems a long way off . "
4 If the final syllable of the stem contains a long vowel or diphthong , or if it ends with more than one consonant , that syllable receives the stress .
5 It was not unusual for the orderer of the Boozebuster to specify a long route back to the office to give the victim 's fellow revellers time to get back ahead of him .
6 The convent has a long tradition of illustrating cards and books with delicate hand-crafted watercolours and inscriptions .
7 Unfortunately , the driver spent a long time finding our house … ‘
8 Talk of a realignment on the centre-left of the spectrum has a long history .
9 The Association has a long history ( dating back to the end of the last century ) , and the ESRC funded project will complement existing work on the period before 1946 .
10 This became pronounced in 1949 when the College secured a long lease on two houses , 21 and 23 Cromwell Road , into one of which they moved the Senior and Junior Common Rooms , formerly housed in a hut in Queensgate .
11 The building of the complex spanned a long period , from the foundation of the cathedral in 1063 to the completion of the campanile in 1350 , but the whole group is one stylistic unit .
12 If the chemical diffuses a long way it is more like shouting and a larger number of cells could receive the signal .
13 The fighting cast a long shadow over the UN peace-keeping operation in Croatia , where the first infantry units arrived over the weekend .
14 The seal spent a long time underwater , thinking .
15 On Europe , the Leader of the Opposition gave a long answer during the Queen 's Speech debate on 31 October .
16 It seemed to Lefevre that the splash took a long time in coming .
17 The horse has a long neck , and that helped me get back in the saddle , ’ he added .
18 Over the years , the masts of masthead-rigged yachts have been moving further and further aft , putting greater emphasis on the power developed by the genoa and enabling the boat to carry a longer spinnaker pole as the J measurement increased .
19 The girl spent a long time wondering whether she could pluck up courage to mention she 'd thought of going to the Swimming Gala if her mother really felt there was nothing she could do .
20 The Queen heads a long list of lenders of the more than 700 objects in the exhibition .
21 The coach arrived a long time ago !
22 The village has a long history .
23 Thus the Act goes a long way in smoothing the path of the prosecutor .
24 All money purchase schemes are potentially unpredictable , and are especially likely to lose value through monetary inflation ( and not least if the annuitant lives a long time ) unless the annuity is fully index-linked , which is not the case under present legislation .
25 In simple terms the first questions a bank would ask were : has the business got a long term future ?
26 At first , the war seemed a long way away , and the Otago CA reported that the 1914–15 summer promised to be a most successful one , with the ‘ services of world-renowned player , J.N. Crawford ’ ensuring that Otago cricket would be second to none in New Zealand .
27 Usually the microscope will provide a wider viewing field but a short working distance , whilst the telescope give a longer working distance but smaller field of view .
28 The franchise system was a good way for us to get into thatching as it dispensed with the need to endure a long apprenticeship , gave us a six-month intensive course teaching all the rudiments of thatching , and provided contracts and a source of cheap materials .
29 The first Plan identified the need to achieve a long term strategy for speed enforcement and to commission a study to determine such a strategy involving enforcement activities , new technology and publicity .
30 The purchase of a call option on a futures contract gives the owner the right to acquire a long position in the futures contract at a set price ( the exercise or striking price ) during ( or at the end of ) a specified time period .
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