Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [verb] [prep] this [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I am delighted to have the opportunity to participate in this type of training . ’
2 We trust that Welsh Office Ministers will take the opportunity presented by this PPG Note to develop a national coastal strategy and explain how they expect it to be co-operatively implemented by all the key players in the field .
3 MORE THAN two million Britons living abroad have not taken the opportunity to vote in this election .
4 ‘ We look forward to learning how this small company exploits the opportunity created by this award . ’
5 Unlike the Labour party , my party was at least prepared to table an amendment to the motion , so I welcome the opportunity to speak in this debate .
6 We are grateful for the opportunity to comment on this draft PPG Note .
7 I know that I shall make only a small start before Christmas , so perhaps I can take the opportunity afforded by this Newsletter to wish you all a very happy Christmas and a good New Year .
8 Gregory saw in the vandalism caused during this episode the fulfilment of a prophecy of Joel : " that which the locust hath left hath the cankerworm eaten " .
9 The terminology adopted in this chapter , ‘ people with learning difficulties ’ , is a reflection of an increasing readiness to attend to the views of the people themselves .
10 The terminology used in this statement will be appropriate for those reporting entities which are companies .
11 In the terminology used in this book task analysis is the correct description of this activity .
12 The terminology used in this Review ( e.g. ‘ cost centres ’ , ‘ output-led measures ’ ) suggests that there is a danger that research within UK universities might be weighted towards producing results which will satisfy accountants or statisticians , rather than scientific curiosity or national R & D needs .
13 As small headphones are dreadfully inefficient at the bottom end , there is a built-in bass boost which helps the guitar sound in this situation — switch eight lets you turn this off when not working with headphones .
14 No purely internal linguistic explanation can account for the fact that the change happened in this way in some dialects and in different ways in others .
15 But she felt curiously light-headed , detached , as if she 'd been pushed too far , and her brain had temporarily given up the struggle to cope with this Alice in Wonderland situation .
16 This confirms that the original procyclic line ST3 was not clonal , and that the line originating from the fly transmission , as well as the clone derived from this line , contained 3 copies of the plasmid integrated into an intact beta-tubulin gene , as represented by the lower half of diagram C2 in Fig. 1 .
17 On this view pragmatics ( at least in part ) is about how , given a sentence uttered in a context , that context plays a role in specifying what proposition the sentence expresses on this occasion of utterance .
18 The technique explained in this chapter , resistant line fitting , produces a line which makes the absolute value of the deviations in the Y direction as small as possible ( rule 3 ) .
19 One strength of the technique used in this study is that it can be applied retrospectively to material produced for other purposes .
20 It is less resistant than the technique shown in this chapter .
21 The pastry topping for this dish is similar to a scone mixture and provides a nice contrast to the base .
22 The money generated by this scheme will be substantial and so will allow us to make a major impact on high priority environmental and conservation tasks .
23 As we have heard earlier on this week in the General Secretary 's Report on the financial position of the union , the money generated by this recruitment in the taxi trade will , I am sure , be greatly received .
24 A Western consultancy attempting to track down the money lost in this way said that much of it was being deposited in foreign banks .
25 The money raised at this event is put towards the running of the church and things needed for the village to keep it looking attractive .
26 A remortgage is one of the cheapest ways of borrowing money and the money raised by this money can be used for a host of purposes .
27 The problem of RECHAR is that his political friends are stopping the money coming to this country .
28 Aside from the money spent before this season ( ie Shearer et al ) he has spent 3M on warhurst , 2.75 on batts , and is still looking to get flowers 2M+ That s over 7M spent , and who has left ?
29 Aside from the money spent before this season ( ie Shearer et al ) he has spent 3M on warhurst , 2.75 on batts , and is still looking to get flowers 2M+ That s over 7M spent , and who has left ?
30 Can you see that maybe , if at some time in the future , you do have er , some bad health , or perhaps get involved in an accident , that after a period of time , it might be difficult to actually find the money to pay for this plan we 're establishing tonight ?
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