Example sentences of "the [adj] [adj] [verb] [pron] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The top five retained their relative positions , but the top three increased their distance from the pack — Digital Equipment Corp was the only top company to experience a decrease in revenues , which slid from $1bn to $800m .
2 Do not the figures reveal that those independent oil analysts who , in the early and middle 1980s , forecast a substantial depletion of United Kingdom resources in the early 1990s got it wrong ?
3 The latter survey , while a substantial one , possibly came too soon after the reforms of the early 1980s to detect their full impact .
4 And yet there you stand , gloating , without even the self-command necessary to remove your outer clothes and leave the shopping basket behind before rushing in here . ’
5 As the Tory faithful trumpeted their green credibility in the Winter Gardens , Ann Taylor , the Labour environment spokeswoman , was on Blackpool beach amusing photographers and terrifying holidaymakers by paddling in the shallows in a white laboratory coat and protective wellingtons .
6 The SystemPro series based on the full 80486 has its own Triflex Architecture , comes with fault-tolerance functions and is priced in Japan at from $14,400 .
7 The debate was inflamed by rumours of Bolshevik backing for the Labour party and the publication of the so-called Zinoviev Letter , in which the Communist International instructed its British members to infiltrate the Labour party and the trades unions .
8 The affair was in some ways summed up by photographs that appeared in the media in June 1978 of gardai forcing their way past a picket of women and children to allow the American multinational to dump its deadly waste .
9 In Edinburgh , he managed to get the Danes back on board by winning agreement from the other 10 to give them special ‘ opt-outs ’ to encourage a yes vote to Maastricht .
10 As the other four offered their own inimitable advice , the police hustled the Celtic defender downstairs and out into the streets where he was thrown over the bonnet of a police car .
11 LUCA CUMANI improved his impressive Brighton record when the strapping Declassified made it 22 winners from 40 runners at the track in five years for the Newmarket trainer .
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