Example sentences of "the [noun sg] has a [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 It 's all well concealed and unless the auditor has an obligation to actually hunt this down , the kind of white hunter er er of the British economy er then er it wo n't be detected and the passive approach to audit such as the er audit practices board is recommending is simply a recipe for further disasters er and further audit failures .
2 The board has a commitment to Banbridge hospital and to continuing health care and social services in its area .
3 The male has a gold to orange main body colour enhanced by red markings .
4 First of all , as I say , we only deal through motor traders anyway , and there is this liability that the motor trade have anyway , and obviously if if something like that has happened it 's going to occur fairly rapidly , but certainly within three months or three thousand miles , and obviously the owner of the vehicle has a redress to the dealer and obviously if there 's one of our policies on it we would probably accept liability on that , although I ca n't say for definite .
5 The move to introduce specialist designations stems from the belief that the Institute has a responsibility to its members to formally recognise and award qualifications for specialist knowledge and skills , so that they do not have to look to outside bodies .
6 Regarding the involvement of others , besides teachers , we are unlikely to have a Swedish style debate in Parliament , despite the fact that the community has a right to it , and that curricular decision-making is a political act .
7 However , the curator has a duty to the estate rather than to the ward , and may save money , not spend it to benefit the ward .
8 Whatever the uncertainty about whether God exists , the theist has a duty to be precise about what he or she means by ‘ God ’ .
9 While a supervision order is in force the supervisor has a duty to : ( i ) advise , assist and befriend the supervised child ; ( ii ) take such steps as are reasonably necessary to give effect to the order ; ( iii ) consider whether or not to apply for discharge or variation where the order is not wholly complied with or may no longer be necessary ( s35(1) ) .
10 The reason for this is essentially that if expectations are rational , the government has an incentive to ‘ cheat ’ on its monetary rule which it does not have under other forms of expectations formation .
11 It has been said that the Church has a responsibility to ‘ engage the culture of our nation with the gospel . ’
12 Last seen fronting the spasmodically brilliant but ill-fated Riff Raff , tonight he casts the ghosts aside to prove once and for all the capital has an answer to Iggy Pop and Lux Interior all rolled into one .
13 Last seen fronting the spasmodically brilliant but ill-fated Riff Raff , tonight he casts the ghosts aside to prove once and for all the capital has an answer to Iggy Pop and Lux Interior all rolled into one .
14 The Mesomorph has a medium to large frame .
15 Not everybody who works in the press has a telephone to their disposal .
16 To put this another way , if the customer has a defence to a claim against him under the hire-purchase agreement , then any guarantor will also be able to use the same defence .
17 The company has a June to May financial year .
18 It is clear that the company has an obligation to specific employees to incur the redundancy costs in question and retains no discretion to avoid the outflow of resources associated with the costs .
19 Surely , however , the public has a right to forward well intentioned concerns ?
20 If we reclassify companies as social enterprises such issues are then not only matters of legitimate public concern about which the public has a right to information , but also matters in which the state is entitled to intervene in order to safeguard the public interest and to ensure compliance with publicly acceptable ethical standards .
21 ‘ Of course , Mr Caretaker and of course the Bishop has a key to his own door . ’
22 Only the Bishop has a key to his own door . ’
23 If the presence of the trespasser is known to or reasonably to be anticipated by the occupier , then the occupier has a duty to the trespasser , but it is a lower and less onerous duty than the one which the occupier owes to a lawful visitor .
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