Example sentences of "the [noun sg] has been [v-ing] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It was Mr Nofomela 's confession to the killing — the day before he was due to be executed for the murder of a white farmer — which led to the disclosures that the force has been running professional death squads .
2 The team has been scrutinising new data collected during April , and last week they found one proton-antiproton collision recorded in their apparatus which bears the hallmarks of a Z o .
3 The race has been taxing young bloods as far back as the 17th Century .
4 Cos the vice has been going rusty .
5 The vice has been going rusty cos of the dryer .
6 So far nothing has been taken , but the woman has been asking detailed questions about security and the layout of the houses .
7 Although the government has been pushing liquid petroleum gas ( LPG ) in metropolitan cities , its supply remains restricted to the upper middle class and the demand far outstrips the supply .
8 Your Lordships will be aware that the Government has been giving careful consideration to the issue of whether B R should be a franchisee in the light of the noble lord Lord Paignton 's amendment , agreed at committee stage .
9 The army has been giving would-be soldiers the chance to get some hands on experience of military equipment .
10 He says that the river has been getting cleaner over the years so this is a setback .
11 He says that the river has been getting cleaner over the years so this is a setback .
12 But the storyteller has been using all his art to lead us up the garden path .
13 In The Art Newspaper No. 16 March 1992 p. 6 we published the fears of some art historians that this exhibition might have been infiltrated by fakes ; in the event these fears have proved to be groundless and the show has been enjoying great success .
14 The star has been getting used to the infatuations of Luke-crazed girls .
16 Euless , Texas-based Xalt Software Corp 's Xalt Office , the suite of five graphically-based integrated applications including Desk , Diary , Notes , Mail and People Manager , is now immediately available for Sparc machines priced at $200 ; Hewlett-Packard Co and IBM Corp versions are due any day now ; the company has been circulating early development copies since last September , and adding features and functions .
17 The stork has been flying low and landed three times in the Surrey area recently , visiting .
18 The party has been using some bright capitalist techniques to get itself in election-fighting mettle .
19 The Pearl has been making strenuous efforts to change its business direction , but the Australians clearly see the possibilities offered by the British group 's large distribution network to market its own products .
20 They will need to bring new ideas , for the supply has been running short and the election has not made the need any less urgent .
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