Example sentences of "the [noun sg] was hold in the " in BNC.

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1 To uncouple , the hook was held in the off position from a lever in the cab , and the tractor just drove away from it .
2 The function was held in the Bankers ' Club on Thursday 8th April 1993 .
3 The ceremony was held in the Kremlin 's Palace of Congresses .
4 The ceremony was held in the State Ballroom with an orchestra playing in the gallery .
5 Yes the briefing was held in the early hours of Monday morning .
6 Greenways A meeting of the shop owners in the village was held in the Village Hall to determine future policy .
7 Greenways A meeting of the shop owners in the village was held in the Village Hall to determine future policy .
8 The conference was held in the bishop 's home at Hartlebury Castle , Kidderminster .
9 For the second year , the conference was held in the Bonnington Hotel [ at the moment this would seem to be the best venue for the meeting ] .
10 The funeral was held in the morning of 23 October , so that Ken could appear on stage in The Private Ear and the Public Eye for a matinee that day .
11 In the early years of this century , before state pensions were introduced , and when occupational pension schemes covered only a small part of the work-force , the bulk of the wealth of the population was held in the form of realizable assets , and was highly concentrated in the hands of a small minority .
12 The re-union was held in the Staff Restaurant at 67 Lombard Street and very much enjoyed by everyone .
13 The event was held in the school library and messages of hope were written to prisoners of conscience all over the world .
14 This gesture also served to indicate that he was still in charge , for the event was held in the face of opposition from other sectors of the regime , who considered it " madness to give this sensation of revitalization of the Falange " .
15 An All-Burma Congress of the AFPFL was held in the precincts of the great Shwe Dagon pagoda , 17 — 23 January .
16 The Show was held in the meadows on the higher ground on the opposite side of the lake .
17 A little man called Maurice Tarn was the auctioneer , and the sale was held in the fields alongside the Strathmore Arms .
18 Thanks to cosmetic ingenuity , the damage had been repaired sufficiently for the coroner 's jury to view the corpse when the inquest was held in the prison later that morning .
19 The ceilidh was held in the stable yard of the castle but as there was no lighting , festivities had to cease when it got dark ; great to live by nature 's principles like this , but a shame to stop when it was going so well !
20 The party was held in the ruins of Persepolis , which was built by Darius and burned by Alexander the Great .
21 The party was held in the canteen , bedecked in decorations with many activities , that ensured the children were occupied all afternoon .
22 The dinner was held in the City of London at the Plaisterers ' Hall .
23 Afterwards the reception was held in the Coachman Hotel , Kilsyth .
24 The reception was held in the Lynhurst Hotel , followed by a party that continued until late into the night .
25 The reception was held in the pavilion , trestle-tables covered in white linen and silver as the wedding breakfast was served and the speeches were made .
26 The reception was held in the Redcastle Hotel .
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