Example sentences of "the [noun] he [vb past] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 After his release in the mid-1970s he became a successful businessman and hotelier but later went into exile in Rome , where he helped finance the USC , returning to Somalia in late 1990 .
2 In the afternoon he had a 34 for the first nine and I thought it was all over bar the shouting .
3 When he had gone some distance from the houses he met a mysterious little girl , who suddenly.appeared from behind a rock , and said , " Why are you weeping , my brother ? "
4 Back in the kitchen he found a stove-enamel jug .
5 In the churchyard he saw a new headstone , on which was written :
6 As soon as he got to the loose box where they had the horse he pulled a little bit of stick about six inches long out of his pocket and threw it right up into the manger .
7 He walked away to the desk , collecting his key , and as he walked towards the lifts he flicked a quick glance back to the girl who 'd been brought up as his daughter .
8 In a red cloak I saw him go , His back was bent , his step was slow , And as he laboured through the cold He seemed a hundred winters old .
9 Indeed in April he had proved that such reading was an art : the Sitwells had organized an evening for the Free French in the Aeolian Hall , and in front of the Queen he gave a memorable and dramatic performance of " What the Thunder Said " .
10 Robyn opened her mouth , but before she could put it to the test he clamped a hot sweaty palm over her lips .
11 Although he had been fortunate to have been sitting at the back of the coach he received a fractured spine .
12 Legend relates that while he was living in the mountains he brewed a hypnotic drink , and after drinking it fell into a deep sleep and dreamed strange dreams .
13 In the pavilion he made a little speech to a few reporters .
14 As he was bending down to pick the post up off the mat he felt a cold hand on his exposed backside — little suspecting that it was the family dog giving him a friendly greeting .
15 And from the pavement he looked a big , decently dressed young man , for his head and shoulders were well above the back of the seat .
16 But in the room he saw a young man who had once been his friend .
17 Five thousand of his employees attended the funeral He left a personal fortune of $130 million , a staggering sum when the mathematical equation to bring it into line with its value today is calculated .
18 All government money and when my father was , after the , after the war he had a little old dredger , little grab dredger and they went along the quay dredging it all up and er , course they took so much out the hole , scrubbed it , all good coal again .
19 The major forum for " constructive " thought remained in the Christian organizations of which he was already a member , and throughout the war he played a prominent part in their deliberations .
20 Winger , Max Nicholson led the charge he played a blinder , but was luck going to go against them again .
21 As he walked through the centre of the town he saw a large group of navvies sauntering across the wide market square , whistling at the women and calling out to any particularly young or good-looking girls — or those of any age who were careless enough to throw a smile in their direction .
22 In the drawing-room he took a great deal of persuading to sit down , and then , when Louise finally joined them , drifting in in her rose-silk dress , Grégoire seemed so overcome that he forgot to rise .
23 From the open door of the shed he had a good view of Firelight grazing and she got to know where he was and would come up to the hedge close by and wait for titbits .
24 In the other he clutched a fifty-p piece , a coin he 'd discovered the evening before in Mrs Abigail 's purse , which carelessly she 'd left on top of the refrigerator .
25 Nathan was a simpleton : fat-faced and cretinous , with a drooly mouth and a silly smile , and when he tried to join in the hymns he made a terrible braying noise because he was turning into a man much too early .
26 On the whole he had a poor opinion of human nature , and he felt an angry contempt for politicians .
27 He longed to discuss Meredith further , his background , his opinions — on the surface he sounded a sensible enough sort of fellow but he did n't know how to go about it .
28 Out of the same pocket which had held the glasses he produced a small blue and gold box .
29 Later in the day he cut a vast birthday cake , and mounted a gold — yes gold — chariot , drawn by six horses .
30 Zen 's barking background could only have been a big plus the day he found a newborn baby whose entire experience of life was going to be lying abandoned for a few hours by a creek near Plymouth .
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