Example sentences of "the [noun] it [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 According to the patent ( Us 235 199 ) , when the chopped light beam was focused onto the diaphragm it created sympathetic movements which could be heard as sound .
2 It did so not only through the stringent processing of applications and the guidance it offered individual institutions , but also through more general analysis of the problems faced by institutions making the transition from ‘ monotechnic ’ to diversified colleges .
3 If it gets into the predator 's nose it can injure the tissues there and if it enters the mouth it causes violent vomiting .
4 After the restart it took Red Alligator longer to break clear of the freshmen .
5 In the process it invented mass entertainment , the 10-lane freeway and smog .
6 From the outside it looks uninhabited facing on to the icy , wind-ravaged sidewalks as anonymously as any of the disused warehouse and industrial buildings that litter the once-thriving district .
7 At least at the beginning it lacked social support , usually freely available in the schools from which secondees came .
8 I welcome the Bill , even though on the surface it hands considerable powers from Parliament to Ministers .
9 From the top it provides magnificent views of the city 's famous skyline .
10 A month later , PW made a breakthrough : it gained access to Mr Naqvi 's personal filing room where , among 6,000 files , it found the evidence it needed major customers colluding with BCCI in the falsification of accounting through the use of nominee arrangements , hold harmless arrangements and payment of fees to individuals to ensure cooperation , as well as proof of links between BCCI and the International Credit and Investment Corporation group .
11 THE GOVERNMENT has sold land at 500 times the price it paid angry farmers when vesting for Ulster 's new city .
12 Like other unions we suffer from the severe loss of members due to unemployment and we are appalled at the devastation of family life when the breadwinner 's been sha cast on the scrap heap and the behaviour of the government it throws whole communities into depravity without a chance of any hope for the future and their children .
13 Well , you could do , if , particularly if you had one of our meters , but what , what happens , as sound goes through the air it causes small pressure fluctuations , and our meter measures the size of these , and it gives a reading on a scale in units which we call decibels .
14 Compared with Burton 's or that of Sir John Gell [ q.v. ] for 1659 his diary is somewhat slight , but as the only internal account and commentary on the debates it has unique value .
15 He was rehearsing Sir Toby Belch in Twelfth Night and the lines had fled ; what he hung on to was the physical business , and when he did some of it to the mirror it seemed poor stuff for the old Living Boomerang .
16 ‘ The catering industry is unique in the challenges it offers young people and every effort must be made to ensure that it plays a central role in careers advice , ’ he said .
17 It was these which made progress relatively slow , and which on occasions even led the High Authority to bow down to views expressed in the Special Council of Ministers even where under the treaty it had undisputed authority to act .
18 For the importer it provides short-term finance , pending the re-sale of the goods in his domestic market .
19 It had been reported that Smith was to send a written offer to Celtic for Aitken , and although Smith would not specify the amount it became common knowledge that it was for around £300,000 .
20 In corridors and classrooms throughout the county it bears silent witness to the perception of the man who formed it , to his generous breadth of outlook and to his integrity .
21 For the distinctions a conception draws between legal rights and other forms of rights and between legal arguments and other forms of argument , signal the character and limits of the justification it believes political decisions provide for state coercion .
22 But in the end it shows total respect for the people who fought and died .
23 With the micro-computers it meant different software , different machines ( at a higher price ) and different sales methods : rather large changes .
24 She 's angry at the way it portrays handicapped people , and has helped organise a blockade of a television studio .
25 Or at least with the way it converts internal formats into PostScript .
26 ( In fact , Mr Duroselle seems almost to believe that the worst aspect of colonialism was the way it divided European nations that might otherwise have come together . )
27 Although it already had a number of blue chip clients , such as Wm Low and the Scottish Development Agency ( and now Scottish Enterprise ) , perhaps what made the firm 's reputation was the way it handled Scottish electricity privatisation for the Government , an appointment made before the Shandwick deal .
28 This outlook emboldened Iran to repudiate the military provisions of the 1921 Soviet-Persian Treaty at the time it abrogated Iranian membership in CENTO .
29 With a combination of every kind of scientific equipment and a psychological ‘ mind over matter ’ approach , he got players fit again in a fraction of the time it took other trainers .
30 CDC finished its end of year with a net loss of $134.0m after a $129.8m restructuring charge associated with the spin-out from Ceridian Corp last year ( UX No 387 ) , although in the two quarters following the spinout it recorded net earnings of $10.2m on revenues of $266.6m .
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