Example sentences of "the [noun] go [adv prt] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 You know , the computer goes down for a hour , it 's three-quarters of the day to get everything back and validated , and that 's a major interruption .
2 The computer went down for a while , it 's probably full of water
3 The bucket went up in a geyser of flame , yellow and blue and white .
4 The noise went on for a long time .
5 The roof goes on in a few tumultuous hours .
6 Dear Mr. Lum — who had been admitted to the Weavers ' Company himself in 1787 — had agreed to recommend his friend William Charles Titford , and the deal went through as a freedom by redemption — that is , by virtue of payment — rather than by apprenticeship or patrimony .
7 This had been of something more than philosophical interest to Karen and I in our pre-coital phase , since it meant that we could count on at least a minute thirty seconds before he reappeared , or as much as three minutes forty-five seconds if we heard the seat go down for a big jobby .
8 But while the search went on for a suitable donor , Evelyn and Peter Walker kept a constant vigil by their ten-year-old daughter 's hospital bedside .
9 Meanwhile the search goes on for a scientific breakthrough .
10 The bow went off with a terrible noise , like bones breaking .
11 The saleswoman went over to a rack of ankle-length cottons in different colours .
12 But then there are other gardening programmes which very much perform that kind of mediating role you 're talking about , where one of the presenters goes along to a real person with an actual garden and asks the gardener how he or she sets about creating this garden and quite a number of those presenters are women .
13 The Boozebuster went off without a hitch .
14 Later on in the profession itself the process goes on at a different level .
15 Because the chemical reaction between ozone and chlorine lowers the temperature , this makes it even easier for ice clouds to form again the following winter and the process goes round in a circle .
16 The years went by in a bundle of exercise books , seasons succeeding one another as flycatchers came and went , orchids were noted and then vanished , temperatures varied from the normal .
17 The BBC 's current panic is that there is potential Government pressure against licences increasing as the years go by in an age of free market competition .
18 Hotel duty manager George Ashou , who was only 10ft from the blast , said : ‘ The bomb went off with a muffled crump .
19 At the other end Tyrone Howe who saw very little of the ball during the match went over for a try in the left corner , following a fine break from Andrew Gallagher .
20 The article went on with an account of Walter and Hilda 's early married life , against a background of dole and depression .
21 The place went up in a matter of minutes .
22 One time the father was away on business , and the stepmother went out to a harvest festival .
23 With soloist , conductor and orchestra on this kind of form , it is no surprise that the Finale goes off like a rocket .
24 The phone goes off like an alarm clock at my elbow .
25 and we 'd been up all night serving troops and er , you see , and then the Manager said , well look er now and have some breakfast before we get th another telegram and we were next door to the Telegram Office , you see , and when , when the erm war , during the war , you see , the man would come out of the Telegraph Office and he would say er and er , you see , all the lights went out except a few lights along the back of the counter .
26 So long as someone knows you 're down there and comes to dig you out , then a basement 's always best , even if the rest goes down like a pack of cards . ’
27 Remember what your psalmist says : ‘ The devil goes around like a lion seeking whom he would devour . ’
28 When the court sat we were told that the King had died then the court went out for a while .
29 The first of the new spreadsheets , called Improv , which builds spreadsheets using simple English commands rather than manipulating clumsy grids of rows and columns , should sell 500,000 copies before June , when the price goes up from an introductory $19 to the full $195 .
30 The plastic went off with a smack of solid air that stabbed pain into his ears and moved the container next to him .
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