Example sentences of "the [noun] [vb past] [adv] the same " in BNC.

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1 The Guardian carried much the same information .
2 The truck came back the same afternoon .
3 Everyone connected with the play felt much the same way .
4 The DJ took up the same line when he came on for the broadcast quiz interview , ’ she went on .
5 ‘ Anyway , the hut looked just the same ; things wear better than people , do n't they ? ’
6 Knighton juggled a football in front of the Stretford End to advertise his designs on Manchester United ; last season Smart merely wandered out to draw the raffle before Hartlepool 's FA Cup tie with Bournemouth , but the adrenalin surged just the same .
7 However , by 1984 a stream of continental ecologists were visiting FoE 's headquarters and appearing at conferences to remark that , so far as they were concerned , the trees looked much the same in Britain as they did in West Germany .
8 This was especially true of the late nineteenth century , when ideas of sexual difference condemned women to a position of inferiority , but the pattern remained substantially the same throughout the period .
9 But Bernice was sure she was still on the planet : the fourth wall and the floor consisted of blocks of masonry , and the gravity felt exactly the same as it had before the transmat trip .
10 The mechanics had basically the same but with an extra hundred-square-foot room at the back .
11 This is not necessarily so : the US used roughly the same amount of energy each year from 1973 to 1985 , while its gross domestic product grew by more than a third .
12 The farm looked just the same .
13 The Sun proclaimed Another Sun Exclusive under the headline FOX CASE WIFE IN MENTAL HOSPITAL and , despite the ‘ exclusive ’ tag , the Star ran essentially the same report on the same day under the headline A WIFE 'S AGONY IN WAIT FOR FOX CASE .
14 The customer turned up the same day and wanted changes made .
15 The position remained substantially the same as that described by Raymond Williams at the time of the earlier confrontation : " The consensus on which the English faculty did its best work ended about the time of Leavis 's retirement and new consensus has yet to be worked out . "
16 The nurses looked much the same , although , of course hair styles had changed dramatically .
17 Sometimes the photographs seemed exactly the same , or so it appeared until , somewhere in the frame , I would realise that a rock had rolled a few feet or yards , a tree was missing , a scarp subtly altered , and one had the sense of some immensely leisured , tranquil calibration of infinity .
18 The street looked much the same — a cul-de-sac , with a brick wall at the far end , closing the road ; and above the wall , towering above the slate-roofed houses , a ship rode at anchor in the Jubilee Dock , its masts and funnels silhouetted against the sky .
19 The nuns wore always the same habit .
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